FP6 Priority 1, Life Sciences Genomics and Biotechnology for Health


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Presentation transcript:

FP6 Priority 1, Life Sciences Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Dr. Iiro Eerola European Commission Directorate General for Research Directorate F: Health Research iiro.eerola@cec.eu.int

Sixth Framework Programme Thematic priorities: € 11285 M M € 1.1.1 Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health 2255 1.1.2. Information society technologies 3625 1.1.3. Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge- based multifunctional materials & processes 1300 1.1.4. Aeronautics and space 1075 1.1.5. Food quality and safety 685 1.1.6. Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems 2120 1.1.7. Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society 225

FP6 (2002-2006) Thematic Priority 1: Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health FOURTH CALL Orientative Dates Expected opening in June 2005 Expected closing in November 2005 Total Indicative budget 540 Million Euro Topics: 22 topics for IP 5 topics for NoE 45 topics for STREP 24 topics for SSA/CA http://fp6.cordis.lu/lifescihealth/calls.cfm

FP6 (2002-2006) Thematic Priority 1: Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health 1.1 Advanced genomics and its application for health - 1100 million € 1.1.a Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms (550 million €) 1.1.b Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health (550 million €) 1.2 Combating major diseases - 1155 million € 1.2.a Application oriented genomic approaches to medical knowledge and technologies (755 million €) 1.2.b Combating cancer* 1.2.c Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty (400 million €**) * In total around 400 million € earmarked for Cancer ** including 200 million € for European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Parntership

Gene expression and proteomics 1.1.a. Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms Activity areas: Gene expression and proteomics Structural genomics Comparative genomics and population genetics Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary functional genomics approaches to basic biological processes 110001ATC1010010101010011011AUG01101010010101101010101010TTC110101001001000CCG

1.1.b. Applications of knowledge and technologies in genomics and biotechnology for health Activity areas: Development of new, safer, more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches Development of new diagnostics Development of new in vitro tests to replace animal experimentation Development and testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools, such a somatic gene and cell therapies and immunotherapies Innovative research in post-genomics, which has high potential for application 

Combating cardiovascular diseases, diabetes & rare diseases 1.2.a Application-oriented genomic approaches to medical knowledge and technologies Activity areas: Combating cardiovascular diseases, diabetes & rare diseases Combating resistance to antibiotics and other drugs Studying the brain & combating diseases of the nervous system Studying human development and the ageing process

Patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis and treatment 1.2.b. Combating cancer A BROADER APPROACH: The focus not limited to genomics and basic research Patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis and treatment establishing facilities for the exploitation of research on cancer in Europe; development of evidence based guidelines for good clinical practice and improved public health strategies supporting translational research aimed at bringing basic knowledge through to applications in clinical practice and public health supporting clinical research (clinical trials)

1.2.c. Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty A BROADER APPROACH: The focus not limited to genomics and basic research AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis Developing promising candidate interventions (vaccines, therapies and HIV microbiocides) - molecular research, pre-clinical testing and proof of principle Establishing a clinical trials programme in Europe for these diseases to improve coherence and complementarity - special target = interventions for use in developing countries EDCTP: The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

For More Information: CORDIS Website: www.cordis.lu/lifescihealth FP6 Partners Database: www.cordis.lu/fp6/partners.htm FP6 Projects Database: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/projects.htm Contact: iiro.eerola@cec.eu.int