OPO Committee Fall 2014
Policy Implementation Dates Imminent and Eligible Death Data Definitions Tentative effective date of Jan. 1, 2015 Small programming effort required update online help in Waitlist, DonorNet and Tiedi Planning education efforts for fall 2014 During the OPO Committee meeting on September 23rd, the Committee was provided with an update from HRSA staff regarding CMS action to accept the OPTN definitions. CMS could make changes to their internal processes (interpretive guidelines) that will allow the OPTN to begin collecting data using the new definitions starting on January 1, 2015. The Committee was told that CMS will make a decision by the end of October. If they cannot make the changes, the Committee will propose to the Board of Directors in November that the implementation be delayed until January 2016. Planning education efforts for fall 2014
Ongoing Committee Initiatives Limit paper documentation that gets packaged and shipped with organs Define essential paperwork Upload documents to DonorNet Seek input from the Transplant Administrator and Coordinator Committees The subcommittee discussed the essential “paper information” that should be packaged and shipped with organs and this includes ABO results and infectious disease results. The documents that should be uploaded to DonorNet include: anatomy, authorization/consent forms, packaging documentation, and the death pronouncement, etc. Finally, we will be get advice from the Transplant Coordinators Committee and the Transplant Administrators Committee on how to develop guidance and what potential policy changes to make.
Ongoing Committee Initiatives Collaborating on joint projects with: Operations and Safety Committee Thoracic Committee Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee Ethics Committee Kidney Committee Liver Committee We are working on various projects in conjunction with multiple committees: ETT Project (with Operations and Safety) Hope Act Work Group (with DTAC, Operations and Safety) Marking Kidney Laterality (with Kidney Committee) Rerunning the Match Run (with DTAC and Operations/Safety) Infectious Disease Verification (with Operation/Safety) Vessel Labels (with Operations/Safety) Heart-Lung Allocation and EVLP (with Thoracic Committee) Sharing Updated Donor Information (with DTAC) Imminent Death Donation (with Ethics Committee) Simultaneous Liver-Kidney (with Liver and Kidney Committees) Limit Paper Documentation
Questions? Sean Van Slyck Committee Chair svanslyck@ctdn.org Regional Rep name (RA will complete) Region X Representative email address Robert Hunter Committee Liaison robert.hunter@unos.org