Civilizations of the Americas Exam Review Civilizations of the Americas Exam - Monday
Arrival in the Americas Crossed the land bridge across what is now the Bering Strait
Olmecs Earliest American Civilization Colossal stone heads – La Venta
Maya Powerful city-state – Tikal Cleared out dense rainforest and built raised fields capable of holding and draining water
The Aztecs Tenochtitlan – capital city - ca. 1325 - Lake Texcoco. Sun god – Huitzilopochtli – central figure for human sacrifice Aztecs - “floating islands” - Chinampas
The Incas Capital – Cuzco In the Andes Mtns. - llama used for food/wool /transport United the empire – large network of roads Ayllu – close-knit village Terrace Farming Used Quipus to keep records
The Mound builders Inhabited the Mississippi and Ohio valleys - “Mississippian peoples.” Constructed large mounds - ritual purposes
The Anasazi. Built and lived - complex cliff dwellings