The e-government Conference main issues 25 september 2003
E-Government Conference A great communication impact for the eGovernment items 1508 participants from 32 Countries and 230 accredited journalists eGovernment awards and the presentation of the 65 applications representing the best practices of public administrations in Europe The Ministerial declaration - political background for the expected Communication by the Commission Both these documents basis for the Conclusions of the Telecommunications Council of November
Ministerial declaration – Goals eGovernment: On-line application and services for the users Benefits for the Information Society Driver for the modernization of the entire European public sector (productivity and efficiency) Reduce administrative burden to strengthen European competitiveness Enhance the quality of life through inclusive public services Achieve a modern European administration through electronic cooperation between different levels of government and across national borders
Turning Objectives into Actions eGovernment requires a shared “user-centered” vision of innovation Identify a list of pan-European services that can be deployed in the next years starting from current experiences in Job search and Learning Opportunities Improved Service Delivery Interactivity Web Accessibility Initiative Multi-platform access
Turning Objectives into Actions – (cont.) Trust, Security and Privacy shared standards of security across the European Union significant developments in electronic identity and authentication systems Interoperability of Public Administration Systems Welcomed the Working Paper on Interoperability in support of eGovernment provided by the Commission Use of open standards Increasing interest in the use of open source software in public administrations
Turning Objectives into Actions – (cont.) Getting the Best from Public Funding define the relevant priorities in view of the further development of the EU programmes and the assignation of their financial instruments provide coherent strategic guidance to and exploitation of these programmes
e-Government Implementation Organisational Change eGovernment requires a profound reorganisation within the administrations, including process redesign, training of personnel, legislative changes and new management models Central-Local Cooperation and Coordination cooperation between the different layers of government to ensure seamless provision of electronic services
e-Government Implementation – (cont.) Public-Private Co-operation Public sector information is an important content resource for the creation of added-value services by private companies Adoption and transposition of the directive on the re-use of public sector documents Reuse and Best Practices eGovernment Evaluation and Monitoring
The involvement of EPAN Ministers recognised the importance of the exchange of strategic and operational experiences among the Member States, in particular through the European Public Administration Network The European Public Administration Network will propose organisational recommendations and enable the exchange of best practices within the Member States on organisational change
The involvement of EPAN – (cont.) Ministers invited the European Public Administration Network to enhance and sustain the exchange of experience concerning innovative and more efficient models for a modern administration for EU citizens, making specific reference to co-ordination/co-operation, enabled by eGovernment, between European national and regional/local administrations and look forward to strengthen cooperation with the Commission on these issues, where relevant
Best Practices Presented the 65 excellence experiences across Europe in: Better life for citizens Competitiveness E-Cooperation among government levels Launched an initiative to promote a “permanent network” of the Best practices