Welcome! Find your child's schedule on the table. Curriculum Night 2017-2018 Mrs. O’Brien Find your child's schedule on the table.
Tonight’s Schedule 7:00-7:20 Advocacy (Procedures, Science and SS standards) 7:20-7:40 Literacy 7:40-8:00 Math
Basics: Advocacy What is an Advocate? An advocate is a person who supports or promotes the interests of another, and that is what a teacher is doing when he or she works to engage students and their parents as partners in a positive, learning-focused classroom community. In our advocacy classes we will focus on social emotional learning and academic goal setting.
Advocacy Curriculum Circle Welcome Warm up Activity
Nuts and Bolts! (see document for details) Snacks/lunches/birthday treats (22 kids) Forks, spoons, plates, napkins, etc. Grading software/frequency Friday Folders Take a Break/Community Space MAPS & PALS tests Flexible Ability Groups Scooters & Toys Volunteering Classroom Management Communication
Science First Grade Science (Mrs. O’Brien) 1st Quarter: States of Matter 2nd Quarter: Biology 3rd Quarter: Genetics 4th Quarter: Rocks and Minerals Second Grade Science (Ms. McKinney) 1st Quarter: Forces in Motion 2nd Quarter: Habitats 3rd Quarter: Earth’s Systems 4th Quarter: Passion Projects
Social Studies First Grade Social Studies (Ms. Kowalski) 1st Quarter: National Symbols 2nd Quarter: Timelines/Traditions 3rd Quarter: Government/Civics 4th Quarter: Maps/Globes Second Grade Social Studies (Ms. Hamilton) 1st Quarter: Maps/Globes 2nd Quarter: History/Inventors 3rd Quarter: Government/Civics & Economics 4th Quarter: Passion Projects
Thank you! Contact Information General Information – Westgate Webpage: www.westgateschool.org Call 303-452-0967 Classroom information – Fusion Pages Email me at Elisabeth.Obrien@westgateschool.org
Curriculum Night Literacy 2016 – 2017 Mrs. O’Brien Welcome! Curriculum Night Literacy 2016 – 2017 Mrs. O’Brien
Super Kids Parent website – superkidsreading.com You can log on and find resources and books based on the work we have completed in class. Once I have all of the parent emails in the super kids online program you will get an email with the login information. Go to the link above and click on parent / school login in the top right corner.
Classroom Structure Leveled Texts Super Readers Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Reader Work Book Writing Leveled Texts Super Readers
Thank you! Contact Information General Information – Westgate Webpage: www.westgateschool.org Call 303-452-0967 Classroom information – Fusion Pages Email me at Elisabeth.Obrien@westgateschool.org
Curriculum Night Math 2016 – 2017 Mrs. O’Brien Welcome! Curriculum Night Math 2016 – 2017 Mrs. O’Brien
Classroom Structure Whole class instruction Centers and small groups Number sense Computation Problem solving Teacher Choice (small group, journals, etc) Computer activities
Classroom Structure Assessments: I’ll be doing pre and post assessments for most units that will enable me to teach to the student’s ability and differentiate as needed. Classwork: Any class work that isn’t completed at school will be sent home as homework. This needs to be completed and returned to school in order to receive full credit for the work. They could also need extra practice that they’ll need to do at home. Interactive Journals: These will be a big part of the work we do in the classroom. They will not come home until the end of the year. They serve as a space for learning, practice, and reference.
Math Units Quarter 1 – Number and Operations in Base Ten (number fluency 0 to 120) Quarter 2 - Number and Operations in Base Ten & Operations and Algebraic Thinking (addition, subtraction, word problems) Quarter 3 - Fractions and Measurement (Money and Time) Quarter 4 - Geometry Measurement and Data (Graphing, standard and non standard measurement units)
Math Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Thank you! Contact Information General Information – Westgate Webpage: www.westgateschool.org Call 303-452-0967 Classroom information – Fusion Pages Email me at Elisabeth.Obrien@westgateschool.org
Language Arts Units 1st Quarter -Introduction/Procedures -Folk Tales 2nd Quarter -Informational Text -Autobiographies 3rd Quarter -Mystery -Historical Fiction 4th Quarter -Author Study -Creative Writing/Poetry