Solar Equatorial Year = 365.24 Days
Gregorian calendar began in 1582, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
Is it a Leap Year? Let’s find out!
Leap years happen every 4 years Years that end in 00, such as 1800 or 1900, are not leap years Unless the first two numbers in the year are divisible by 4. The year 2000 was a leap year. The year 2400 will be a leap year. If the last two numbers are NOT 00, and they ARE divisible by four, then it will be a leap year. Examples: 1996, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 3016, 2112
1998 2006 1888 1807 1804 3005 3012 3222 2224 1800 1780 1500 2700 3600 1600
1900 2000 2400 2500 2512 1720 1400 1740 1742 1994