Invasive Species Courtesy
Invasive Species Introduced species: any organism that was brought to an ecosystem as the result of human actions Invasive species: A species that takes advantage of an unoccupied niche, or that successfully out-competes native species Kudzu: an invasive vine
U.S. Invasive Aquatic Plants Partial list: Brazilian Waterweed Caulerpa, Mediterranean Clone Common Reed Eurasian Watermilfoil Didymo Giant Reed Giant Salvinia Hydrilla Melaleuca Purple Loosestrife Water Chestnut Water Hyacinth Water Lettuce Water Spinach Hydrilla
U.S. Invasive Aquatic Animals Partial list: Alewife New Zealand Mud Snail Northern Snakehead Asian Carps Nutria Asian Swamp Eel Quagga Mussel Bullfrog Round Goby Chinese Mitten Crab Rusty Crayfish Eurasian Ruffe Sea Lamprey European Green Crab Sea Squirt Flathead Catfish Spiny Water Flea Lionfish Veined Rapa Whelk Zebra Mussel Zebra Mussel
U.S. Invasive Invertebrates Partial list: Africanized Honeybee Asian Citrus Psyllid Asian Long-Horned Beetle Asian Tiger Mosquito Cactus Moth Emerald Ash Borer European Gypsy Moth European Spruce Bark Beetle Formosan Subterranean Termite Giant African Snail Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Light Brown Apple Moth Mediterranean Fruit Fly Mexican Fruit Fly Pink Hibiscus Mealybug Red Imported Fire Ant Russian Wheat Aphid Silverleaf Whitefly Sirex Woodwasp Soybean Cyst Nematode
U.S. Invasive Vertebrates Partial list: At Risk of Widespread Brown Tree Snake Intrusion Cane Toad Constrictor snakes European Starling Boiga snakes Wild Boar Gambian pouch rat House Sparrow Nutria European Starling Cane Toad
U.S. Invasive Plants Yellow Star Thistle Autumn Olive Beach Vitex Canada Thistle Chinese Tallow Cogongrass Common Teasel Dalmatian Toadflax Diffuse Knapweed Downy Brome Garlic Mustard Giant Hogweed Hairy Whitetop Houndstongue Japanese Honeysuckle Japanese Knotweed Johnsongrass Kudzu Leafy Spurge Medusahead Mile-A-Minute Weed Multiflora Rose Musk Thistle Old World Climbing Fern Oriental Bittersweet Purple Star Thistle Quackgrass Russian Knapweed Russian Olive Saltcedar St. Johnswort Scotch Broom Scotch Thistle Spotted Knapweed Tree-of-Heaven Tropical Soda Apple Whitetop Yellow Star Thistle Yellow Toadflax Yellow Star Thistle
U.S. Invasive Microbes West Nile Virus Citrus Canker Animal Pathogens Avian Influenza Exotic Newcastle Disease Fowlpox Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia West Nile Virus Whirling Disease Plant Pathogens Citrus Canker Citrus Greening Plum Pox Southern Bacterial Wilt Soybean Rust Sudden Oak Death West Nile Virus Citrus Canker