B Plunder To steal or rob. Warm-Up: Do not take a sheet from the tan bin. Place any late homework on your desk. In the next table of your LINCS sheet, copy the following information: 1. Term: Plunder 3. Reminding Word (sounds like or looks like): 4. Story (use the definition and the reminding word): 5. Picture 2. Definition: To steal or rob. B
Vocabulary Sheet 3 Obstruct: To interrupt or block. Prosecution: Taking someone to court for committing a crime. Assent: Acceptance, agreement, approval. Impartial: Neutral, fair, on neither side. Delegate: Assign something to a group of people to do. Grievance: Complaint, criticism, protest.
Vocabulary Sheet 4 Persecute: To bully, harass, torment, or bother. Tyranny: Cruelty, bullying. Plunder: To steal or rob.
Agenda (Monday, 10/8) Essential Question: How do I find essential details in order to make conclusions about text? Standard: RL1 Finding key details Objective: Students will use essential details of a text to come to a conclusion based on a high order thinking question. Warm-Up: LINCS: Plunder Whole Group: Prepare for Socratic Seminar Work Period: Complete Socratic Seminar on the following topics: Technology: Achieve 3000, fill out yellow sheet and answer Activity Questions (Can Cities Stop Gangs?) Independent Work: Grade 8: Read Chapter 9 of Life and Death and complete the BMH questions and HOTQ. Independent Reading: Choose a book from the class library. Read quietly. Focus on any new vocabulary you can find. Teacher-Led: Data Chat; Discuss how to enter OneView and how to use it.
Bruce Wayne 1 10/1 Life and Death 8-9
What kind of symbols in Maria’s life make her feel like she is “loved”?
High Order Thinking Question, Chapter 8 What kind of symbols in Maria’s life make her feel like she is “loved”? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence.
Sample: Primary Conversation Topics from Book-Mind-Heart: Student-Led Book Talk Group Leader Keep the conversation moving. Ensure people are letting each other speak. Ensure the conversation is civil. Sample: Primary Conversation Topics from Book-Mind-Heart: What does the author want you to know? What surprised you? How does “family” affect what people think of others? Hot Seat Evaluators Speakers Speakers Evaluators
Socratic Seminar Norms Don’t raise hands but use sensitivity to take turns and not interrupt others Listen carefully Address one another respectfully (Yes, sir/ma’am. No, sir/ma’am. Refer to each other by first name. Use statements such as, “I understand what Mackenzie is saying, but…”) Base any opinions on the text Address comments to the group (no side conversations) Be courageous in presenting your own thoughts and reasoning, but be flexible and willing to change your mind in the face of new and compelling evidence If you are an observer, listen, understand, take notes, evaluate. Hot Seat: If you are an observer/evaluator and you would like to make a comment, you may move to the “hot seat” to engage in the conversation.
Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Partner Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Partner Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Partner Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Partner Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar Partner Evaluation Sheet
Socratic Seminar 2 Book-Mind-Heart Questions 1 Version of the High Order Thinking Question Is Maria surrounded by people who care for her? Explain.
Closing Which of the following words doesn’t seem like it would relate to a PIRATE? Plunder, Tyranny, Impartial, Obstruct