EUPAN Quality Event 2011 24-25 November 2010
organisational information an event on performing public administration QC crisis approach a medium-size event – 300 participants from EUPAN & cooperating countries expected duration 1,5 days proposed timing 29-30 September 2011, located in Warsaw cooperation with EIPA to strengthen quality of the content 24-25 November 2010 2
work schedule (1) September preliminary online consultation IPSG/HRWG in Leuven first agreement on the shape of the event IPSG/HRWG in Bruges 1) final agreement on the themes & the content of the event 2) final agreement on the groups of participants & recruitment procedures Novemebr/December 1) start of marketing of the event by group members in their countries 2) start looking for speakers and good practices DGs in Genval announcement of the event to the DGs
work schedule (2) 18th February proposals of good practices presented to organizational team 28.02 - 1.03 EUPAN meeting candidatures of the good practices & speakers introduced mid April 2011 1) all speakers & facilitators recruited 2) program of the event finalized and sent-out 3) official announcement of the event 4) recruitment by MS launched 24-25.05 EUPAN meeting revision of the recruitment process mid June final list of participants 29-30.09.2011-tbc Conference *
participants & recruitment middle and line management, practitioners no country quota of participants but a balanced number of participants from countries case presenters benefit /free accomodation/ no participation fee is foreseen ways of recruitment – ideas of IPSG members *
ideas for getting more with less… big opening – whom to invite fot the opening speach? inviting e-contacts – online broadcasting as a response to the financial constraints and a way to make the event European-wide going online – using EUPAN website to announce & promote the event and to set up a “virtual stand” according to countries initiatives & ideas *
themes & topics - towards a result-oriented public sector in Europe Proposed title / main theme of the conference Doing the things right - towards a result-oriented public sector in Europe Content built upon the EUPAN work of many years: outcome thinking, the long-term results and impact of the public sector right
the 5 key topics From outputs to outcome - broadening the efficiency debate towards an effectiveness debate. From micro management to meta management – outcome- oriented management takes place across and above the organisational borders. Thinking in chain and network constructions is crucial. Citizen / Customer Effectiveness - can the involvement of citizen/customers support organisations in more result-oriented work Towards result-oriented leadership in public sector organisations - if public managers are accountable for the policy and the results of the organisation, are they also able to manage? Letting managers manage and making them manage. Installing a culture of result-thinking in public sector organisations – a common vision and understanding of result-thinking as a must for an effective organisation – challenges, examples. * 8
call for IPSG members action Please… start marketing of the event inside the countries’ administrations start looking for key-note speakers and good practices share ideas on how to recruit participants launch cooperation on the conference with other country EUPAN representatives 9