The Muscular System This part: 17 slides PART A+B 32 slides
Ch 6-A Ch 6-B THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM-- I. OVERVIEW II. MUSCLE ANATOMY III. MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY Types Muscles Gross Overview Tissue Review Microscopic Contraction Details Functions Nervous System Whole Muscle Cell Characteristics Energy for Contract. Muscle Tone Types of Contraction Effect of Exercise IV. BODY MOVEMENTS V. SPECIFIC MUSCLES VI. INJECTION Rules Head & Neck SITES Muscle Movements Trunk & Arm Lower Limb Ch 6-B
I. Overview of Muscle Tissues The Muscular System I. Overview of Muscle Tissues A. Myo, mys, & sarco muscle B. *Fiber = C. *3 Types D. *Review
E. *Skeletal Muscle Functions 1. 2. 3. 4.
F. Skeletal Muscle Cell Characteristics Excitability: Contractility: Extensibility: Elasticity: recoil
II. Skeletal Muscle Anatomy A. Gross Anatomy 1. Connective Tissue Cells & muscles are surrounded and bundled by 2. Attachments to Bones: *Tendons *Aponeuroses
B. Microscopic Anatomy 1. *Fibers = Segment of a Fiber 2. *Sarcolemma: 3. *Sarcoplasmic Reticulum 4. Myofibrils: a. Striations b. Proteins = Myosin & Actin: Segment of a Fiber ACTIN MYOSIN Segment of a Myofibril
C. Nervous System Basics 1. Neuron parts a. *Cell Body b. Dendrites c. Axon Axon Terminals Neurotransmitters - Acetylcholine Axon Terminals Cell body Motor Neurons: send messages to muscles Axon Dendrites
2. Nerve Message = Action Potentials 3 2. Nerve Message = Action Potentials 3. Transferring message to next cell: - Synaptic Cleft Axon of Motor Neuron Terminal Muscle Fiber Neuromuscular Junction Neurotransmitters
III. Muscle Physiology– Contraction A. Overview– Sliding Filament Theory 1. Motor Neuron sends Action Potential 2. Calcium enters Myofibrils 3. Myosin and Actin slide shortening Myofibrils 4. Fibers shorten muscle shortens = contraction Ca Ca Ca Piece of Myofibril Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca
B. Fiber Contraction Steps: Microscopic Details 1. Motor Neuron sends Action Potential to Synaptic Vesicles of Axon a) Acetylcholine is released: b) Acetylcholine attaches to: c). Message spreads out to all parts of fibers
2. Calcium enters myofibrils and attaches to proteins within the fibers which affect Myosin and Actin Neurotransmitters Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Figure 6.6
Fibers of Motor Unit shorten and Muscle contracts via shortening and 3. Actin and Myosin slide towards eachother then Myofibrils Segments shorten myofibrils shorten Fibers of Motor Unit shorten and Muscle contracts via shortening and body part moves Segment of Myofibril Portion of Muscle Cell (Fiber) MUSCLE: showing fibers in bundles MUSCLES: showing Biceps Brachi which attaches to forearm and moves it when it shortens
C. Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle as a Whole a. Motor Unit: A muscle has many different motor units b. Size and Location of Muscle: Small Large c. Force of contraction: number of motor units activated in a muscle More = stronger contract.
D. Energy for Muscle Contraction = ATP 1. Quick Stored Energy: ATP & Creatine Phosphate 2. AEROBIC RESPIRATION Organelle: Gas Required: Exhale: Speed: Fat can be used Efficiency: 36 ATP per 1 Glucose oxygen FAT Glucose + O2 CO2 & H2O & ATP
Energy for Muscle Contraction … 3. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION N0 oxygen Energy for Muscle Contraction … 3. ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION = Anaerobic glycolysis O2 not used Speed: Efficiency: 2 ATP per glucose Problem: Lactic acid Oxygen Debt Cardiac Muscle cannot do Figure 6.10c
E. Muscle Tone = Different fibers at different times involuntary control
F. Types of Muscle Contractions--Students Do 1. Isotonic vs. Isometric *Isotonic *Isometric Iso = same Tone = contraction Metric = length Isotonic Isometric
F. Effect of Exercise on Muscles TYPES: *Aerobic Heart Muscle endurance and flexibility *Resistance Size Strength