Civitas Forum 2018 Linda Gustafsson Umeå


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Presentation transcript:

Civitas Forum 2018 Linda Gustafsson Umeå The Urbact gender equal cities initiative and best practices in mobility policies of Umeå Civitas Forum 2018 Linda Gustafsson Umeå

Overall goal for gender equality, Municipality of Umeå Create conditions for women and men to have equal power to shape society and their own lives. Inte svara mot särskilda behov utan bidra till ett jämställt samhälle Arbetsformerna, genomförandet och resultatet av transportpolitiken bidrar till ett jämställt samhälle

Women and men use public space in diffrent ways and feel diffrent about public space because of The gendered city How they spend their free time Gender based violence Mode of transportation Economy Gender segregated labor market Resposibility for unpaid housework (viewed as) Primary or secondary caregivers Expectations Vems tid Vems arbetsmarknad Hur frigör vi tid? Vad spelar mobilitet

A CITY WITH HIGH DENSITY – A STRATEGY TOWARDS 200 000 INHABITANTS A city with high accessability without beeing traffic intensive A competitive public transport system requires a dense structure A CITY WITH HIGH DENSITY – A STRATEGY TOWARDS 200 000 INHABITANTS Invest in parks and public spaces The city as meeting place and driving force for strengthen identity Transparency, democrazy and equality - Co creation process Building a city with high urban qualities Linking neighborhoods together and create variety by mixed use

Men Kommissionen för social hållbarhet kan också lyfta fram framgångsrikt arbete i Umeå, t.ex. metoden kring stadsrundturen Det könade landskapet, som syftar till att visualisera och problematisera vårt jämställdhetsarbete i Umeå utifrån olika platser i staden. Metoden, som utvecklades i Umeå kommun redan 2009, har lyfts fram av URBACT, EUs stadsutvecklingsprogram, som ett av EUs 97 goda exempel på hållbar stadsutveckling.

Good practice: Travel behavior Travel diary divided by sex Goal for 2015: 55 percent of travels in the city should be with sustanable transport (bus, bike, walking) Goal for 2022: 65 percent Men 40 percent, women 56 percent sustainable travels (under 5 km 51/72 percent) If men traveled like women we would have reached our goals for sustainable travel Resor under 5 kilometer 51% av mäns resor och 72 % av kvinnors resor med hållbara transportmedel. Dvs: avstånd är en faktor men inte så stor som vi trott Kvinnor promenerar i hög utsträckning. Män och kvinnors hälsa etc. Viktigt att rikta in insatser på den grupp som idag reser ohållbart + kvinnor och mäns rörelser i staden – när vi är ute på gator etc.

Tackling themes relevant to city competences Representation Governance including gender budgeting and data Economic equality, eg pay gap, horizontal and vertical segregation in labour markets, representation gaps eg in female entrepreneurship rates and in tech and creative industries Public Services Transport and mobility Inclusion of migrants and refugees Public Space URBACT is a Programme of the European Union focused on integrated urban development. Hundreds of cities in Europe participate in URBACT transnational networks where cities develop partnerships to address specific urban themes and issues.   URBACT’s methodology is based on principles of co-creation, inclusion and stakeholder collaboration. It is practitioner-oriented and supports holistic city development approaches with strong citizen and community involvement. Participating cities establish stakeholder collaboration structures to guide place analysis, ideas generation and to develop integrated action plans that address identified challenges. The URBACT Programme proposes for the CIVITAS Forum a workshop on: Gender Inclusive Urban Mobility. On International Women’s Day 2018 URBACT launched: Gender Equal Cities- a new initiative, that celebrates the advances made by cities to increase equality and highlight ways in which cities are driving change through gender sensitive policy making. We will also dig deeper to understand the barriers that still hold back progress and make recommendations for more equitable urban planning and governance. The workshop at the CIVITAS Forum will generate a conversation about gender inclusion in transport and mobility. It will start with an introduction to the concept of Gender Equal Cities, and some examples from city practitioners and urbanists. URBACT Good Practice Umea will be showcased as example of gender mainstreaming - a guided bus tour show how the urban landscape is gendered and encourage ideas for improvement. Tools to be showcased include the Council of European Municipalities and Regions Charter on Equality of Women and Men in Local Life. Alicia Pawlowska of Gdynia will talk about gender sensitive mobility planning.(TBC) The workshop will include small group work exchanging and reflecting on the challenges of creating inclusive mobility and ways to improve the gender filter on transport in cities. The structure of the session The Moderator will start with an overview for the session by clearly stating its purpose; by introducing the panellists; by creating an agreement with the audiences on their participation and contributions; and by setting some ground rules (5 min). The Moderator will then introduce the URBACT Programme and the Gender Equal Cities project (5 mins) and invite 3 x 10 minute presentations about Umea, CEMR and Gdynia The workshop element will be small groups of 5-6 at a table will be asked to discuss in 30 mins What do you see as the main challenges to create gender inclusive mobility? What actions have you implemented to reduce gender based inequality in urban mobility? What impact have they had? What tools and methods can guarantee a gender filter in mobility plans and services?

Join the conversation! #GenderEqualCities Join our Linkedin Group Gender Equal Cities to exchange on interesting practices!