A First Grade Number Routine Number Paths A First Grade Number Routine
The Teacher and Student Start with Game Boards With Only the Starting and Ending Numbers Filled In Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 100 100
A 2 and a 6 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 26. Each person places 26 where they would like to place it on the board. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 26 26 100 100
A 1 and a 9 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 19. Each person places 19 where they would like to place it on the board. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 19 19 26 26 100 100
A 1 and a 1 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 11. The teacher can place 11, but the student can not, so they lose their turn. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 11 19 19 26 26 100 100
A 4 and a 8 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 84. Each person places 84 where they would like to place it on the board. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 11 19 19 26 26 84 100 84 100
A 7 and a 3 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 37. Each person places 37 where they would like to place it on the board. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 11 19 19 26 26 37 37 84 100 84 100
A 9 and a 5 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 59. Each person places 59 where they would like to place it on the board. Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 11 19 19 26 26 37 37 59 59 84 100 84 100
A 7 and an 8 are rolled, and the person who rolled them, has chosen to make it 78. The student can not place 78 on their game board, so they lose a turn, and THE TEACHER WINS!!! Teacher Game Board Student Game Board 11 19 19 26 26 37 37 59 59 78 84 100 84 100