Welcome to Year 3 KS2 Junior 8:45 Start Swifts Swallows Topics this Year: Autumn – Jambo Rafiki Spring –Marvellous Moving Machines Summer – The Stone Age 8:45 Start
Marvellous Moving Machines New topic coming soon! The Stone Age
Jambo Rafiki Hello friend
Experiences to inspire us Thursday 20th September Estimated cost of trips/visitors: Autumn: £25 Spring: £25 Summer: £25
Science Classification of animals Skeletons and muscles Teeth Food Chains
Author Focus Paul Geraghty
Enriching the curriculum Making African Spicy Pancakes Fabulous Finish You will be invited !
Homework 30 minutes of Reading every night – please sign Homework Diary every night to say it has been completed. Homework diary to be handed in on Monday. It will be checked and signed by TA or Teacher English and Maths homework will be given out on Friday to be completed and handed in by the following Friday. The children will have two Homework books and use them on alternative weeks so we can mark them in-between.
Times Tables “Rock Stars Times Tables” online system Year 2 2x, 5x, 10x Year 3 3x, 4x, 8x
Spelling Strategies Handout Little and often – the orange spelling book must be in school bag every day 10 words each week Spelling Strategies Handout
Maths Homework MyMaths – login Rock Stars Times Tables Sheet/Game homework
English Homework Reading Activity Reading Comprehension Writing task Grammar Activity Optional Challenges each week connected with our topic
PE and Games NAMED PLEASE! Include a plastic bag for dirty trainers Trainers for games lessons Blue tracksuit for cold weather Must bring socks for PE Must be able to take them out on their own or use tape. They should bring own tape NAMED PLEASE!
If your child is going home with some-one different to usual – please phone the office Telling the time Fruit Snack Accelerated Reader Aprons
Peer Mediation All the children are trained to be Peer Mediators Volunteers work on a rota with Infant School children
Can you help? African Sewing workshop Cookery each term Trip each term Admin Tasks Spelling Times Tables