#uvafresh Studying at the University of Vaasa Orientation Week 22–26 August 2016 Admissions and Mobility Services
Studies Studies for exchange students presented during the orientation week http://www.uva.fi/en/education/exchange/ Studies for degree students presented in the programme meetings during early September http://www.uva.fi/en/education/master/ Possible restrictions in some courses Faculty/programme, level, previous studies, group size… Course description! Exchange students: Keep your Learning Agreement up to date! Degree students: Personal Study Plan 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Academic Year Autumn and spring semesters Two periods in the autumn semester Three periods in the spring semester Teaching mostly during the periods Exam weeks between the periods Lectures may be arranged at 8-12 and after 15 Exams on Mon-Thu 14-17, Fri-Sat 12-15 (sharp!) Some exams may take place also during the periods (Friday, Saturday, last lecture etc.) General examination days http://www.uva.fi/en/for/student/studying/academic_year/ 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Completion of Courses Detailed information about the courses and completion Course descriptions First lecture – attendance mandatory! Final examination Three attemps NB! Exchange period 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Completion of Courses Active participation in the lectures / practice groups Independent work is required for completion of courses (NB! 1 ECTS equal to approximately 25-27 hours of work) 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Assessment of studies Exam results announced within 30 working days after the exam Assessment criteria are public Course description Available from the examiner Exam results are displayed in WebOodi system Partial credit units will be registered only after all parts have been completed 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Grading A student either fails or passes a course Grading scale 1–5, in which 1 = sufficient, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, and 5 = excellent Or on a pass/fail basis [‘hyv.’(pass) appears on the student’s transcript] 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation Study Councelling Study councelling Teachers Faculty student advisors International Education Specialists Respect office hours or contact via e-mail (NB! expect a few days for the answer) 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
Study Councelling Teachers Faculties Inquiries or questions about specific course details Questions about course and exam assessment Faculties Study councelling connected to degrees and programmes (for degree students) Planning the studies Questions about students’ legal protection Personal Study Plan (HOPS) Choosing additional courses/studies (Master’s degree students) Compensation of studies taken outside the University of Vaasa Graduation 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Key Persons Faculty of Business Studies International Education Specialist, Anne Ahlqvist International Education Specialist, Sami Ilomäki Faculty of Philosophy International Education Specialist, Marjukka Isaksen Faculty of Technology Admissions and Mobility Services International Education Specialist (exchange students) Katariina Rinta, room 108 International Education Specialist (Master’s degree students) Tiina Rolser, room 131 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office | Studying at the University of Vaasa
Welcome to our University! Read more about the studies and university at www.uva.fi/en/for/student/ #uvafresh 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | Internaional Office| Studying at the University of Vaasa
#uvafresh 17.4.2019 University of Vaasa | International Office| Studying at the University of Vaasa