THE SEVEN SEALS First Seal White Horse (6:1-2) Crown: Victorious progress of the gospel
THE SEVEN SEALS Second Seal Red Horse (6:3-4) Bloodshed: Severe persecution
THE SEVEN SEALS Third Seal Black Horse (6:5-6) Scales: Economic discrimination
THE SEVEN SEALS Fourth Seal Ashen Horse (6:7-8) Death & Hades: Persecution till death for many
THE SEVEN SEALS Fifth Seal Martyred Souls (6:9-11)
THE SEVEN SEALS Fifth Seal Martyred Souls (6:9-11) White Robe: Souls slain for the word of God Those before the throne are given white robes (7:11) Those who came out of the great tribulation wash their robes white in the blood of the lamb (7:13-14)
THE SEVEN SEALS Sixth Seal Earthquake (6:12-17)
THE SEVEN SEALS Sixth Seal Earthquake (6:12-17) Wrath of Lamb: Judgement announced Similar descriptions in O. T. Joel 2:30-31 Jer. 4:23-24 Isa. 13:9-10
THE 144,000 Rev. 7:1-8
THE 144,000 Rev. 7:1-8 Many interpretations given Jews only Literal total of the saved Symbolic for all the saved or redeemed on earth - the church Represents the redeemed Organized religion = 12 Completeness = 10 All number are symbolic for completeness Seal of living God on bond-servants See Rev. 14:1-5 to indicate all saved
THOSE IN WHITE ROBES Rev. 7:9-17 Redeemed receive white robes Those before the throne are given white robes (7:11) Those who came out of the great tribulation wash their robes white in the blood of the lamb (7:13-14) Church at Laodicea was counseled to buy white robes (3:18) Rest awhile Until the number of their fellow servants are killed as they had Indicating more persecution to come
THE SEVEN SEALS Seventh Seal Seven Angels with Trumpets (Rev. 8:1-6) Partial Judgement: Blowing of the seven trumpets to announce the judgement of God