Greek and Latin Roots Week 8
mori/mort Meaning: death Examples: immortal mortician Not subject to death; everlasting mortician undertaker
nav Meaning: ship Examples: navigation circumnavigate Theory and practice of charting a ship’s course circumnavigate To go completely around
Word Associations Which word goes with a GPS? Which word goes with “living forever”? Which word goes with circle? Which word goes with “works with the dead”?
neg Meaning: no Examples: negative negligent Indicating opposition Careless; inattentive
neut/neutr Meaning: not either Examples: neutral neutralize Belonging to neither side in a controversy neutralize Make neutral
Word Associations Which word goes with disagree? Which word goes with undecided? Which word goes with counteract? Which word goes with indifferent?
nov Meaning: new Examples: novice innovation beginner Something newly introduced
opti/opto Meaning: eye; vision Examples: optimistic optometry Looking on the positive side optometry Measuring and testing of vision
Word Associations Which word goes with happy? Which word goes with modernize? Which word goes with learner? Which word goes with eye doctor?
pal/paleo Meaning: ancient Examples: paleontology paleography Study of past geological eras through fossil remains paleography Study of ancient writings
pac Meaning: peace Examples: pact pacify treaty To restore calm; bring peace
Word Associations Which word goes with handwritten documents? Which word goes with soothe? Which word goes with agreement? Which word goes with “items buried underground”?
par Meaning: equal Examples: parity apartheid equality A system of discrimination based on race
para Meaning: beyond; related; alongside Examples: paramount parasite Supreme; primary parasite Person or animal that lives at another’s expense
Word Associations Which word goes with freeloader? Which word goes with predominant? Which word goes with uniformity? Which word goes with racism?