Comprehensible input in foreign language classroom Julia Ullmann
CI strategies and examples Agenda Introductions Our goals What is CI? CI strategies and examples Hands-on revamping Sharing Q & A Resources
Recognize CI strategies Transform any material into CI GOALS Understand what CI is Recognize CI strategies Transform any material into CI
From Chris Stolz TWO KIDS TALK ABOUT LANGUAGE CLASSES Two of my students, Ace and Kavi, are in my English 11 class and I also have Ace in Spanish. Both are very bright. Kavi takes French and Ace bailed out of French into Spanish. One day in June they were both in my room after school, finishing English projects, and they were talking about language class. Kavi: So you have Stolz for Spanish. How is it? Ace: It’s easy. Just listen and read and you pick it up. I got an A both years. Kavi: French is hard. I can’t get an A. Ace: You’re not a dumbass. Me: Yeah, Kavi. You have good work habits. Kavi: Three things. They just keep adding rules. So it keeps on getting harder to remember all the rules. It’s also confusing. Part of the rules thing. Also I get bored. They make you talk about boring crap like buying groceries and they make you do these tests where it is all grammar.
What is it?
Use of gestures and movements Strategies Use of gestures and movements
Adapting speed and intonation Strategies Adapting speed and intonation
Adapting text to the level of learner Strategies Adapting text to the level of learner
Use of realia, pictures, diagrams Strategies Use of realia, pictures, diagrams
Building background and activating prior knowledge Strategies Building background and activating prior knowledge
More strategies! ts/Downs100510SIOPSummary.pdf
For visual learners Blain Ray
For visual learners Adriana Ramirez
For visual learners Martina Bex
For visual learners Ben Slavic
Let’s revamp your lessons! Write or revamp yours Work alone or with a partner
Ten principles of GOOD language learning 06/23/what-does-good-language-teaching-look-like-the- ten-principles-for-all-language-teachers/
Resources 1. Krashen’s original theory othesis_extended.pdf 2. Krashen, S. & Terrell, T. (1983) The Natural Approach - Language Acquisition in the Classroom Oxford: Pergammon 3. /Downs100510SIOPSummary.pdf 4. Teaching Spanish with CI
Resources 5. Martina Bex 6. Blain Ray 7. Ben Slavic 8. Chris Stolz
My contact info Julia Ullmann – Professional and Technical High School, Kissimmee, FL @jullmann1