Aim: What is the command structure of the NYPD? HNA Lesson 35 Aim: What is the command structure of the NYPD?
Current Civilian Command Structure HNA Lesson 35 Current Civilian Command Structure Police Commissioner- James O’Neill First Deputy Commissioner- Benjamin Tucker 18 Deputy Commissioners that head various bureaus of the NYPD. They answer to the First Deputy Commissioner who answers to the Police Commissioner.
Current Uniform Command Structure HNA Lesson 35 Chief of Department – Terrence Monahan Chief of Staff – Raymond Spinella Chief of Community Affairs – Nilda Hofmann Chief of Crime Control Strategies – Dermot Shea Chief of Counterterrorism – James Waters Chief of Crime Control Strategies – Dermot F. Shea Chief of Detectives – Robert K. Boyce Chief of Housing – James Secreto Chief of Intelligence – Thomas Galati Chief of Patrol – Rodney Harrison Chief of Personnel – William Morris Chief of Special Operations – Harry Wedin Chief of Strategic Initiatives – John Donohue Chief of Training – Theresa Shortell Chief of Transit – Edward Delatorre Chief of Transportation – Thomas Chan
NYPD Strength in Numbers HNA Lesson 35 NYPD Strength in Numbers Approximately 40,000 Police Officers Approximately 15,000 other employees Approximately 3,500 Auxiliary Police Officers Approximately 5,000 School Safety Agents Approximately 5,000 + Traffic Agents 78 Precincts 5 Highway Patrol Units 12 Transit Districts 9 Housing Public Service Areas (PSA) Approximately 9,500 + Patrol Cars (RMP) 11 Boats, 8 helicopters, and 34 dogs (3 Bloodhounds, and 31 German Sheppard’s), 120 horses $5.6 Billion Budget for 2018 Oldest Police Department in the Country – as of 2019 173 years
Precinct Breakdown by Borough HNA Lesson 35 Manhattan- 22 Precincts 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, Midtown South, Midtown North, 19, 20, Central Park (CPP), 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 1 Highway, 4 Transit Districts, and 3 PSA’s. Bronx- 12 Precincts 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 1 Highway, 2 Transit Districts, and 2 PSA’s. Brooklyn- 23 Precincts 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 88, 90, 94, 1 Highway Patrol, 4 Transit Districts, and 3 PSA’s. Queens- 16 Precincts 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 1 Highway, 2 Transit Districts, and 1 PSA. Staten Island- 4 Precincts 120, 121, 122, 123, and 1 Highway.
How are Precincts Structured HNA Lesson 35 How are Precincts Structured Each precinct, highway unit, transit district, and PSA has the following: A Commanding Officer usually at the rank of Captain, Deputy Inspector, or Inspector. An Executive Officer who is second in command and is usually the rank of Captain. An Operations Lieutenant who is third in command in the absence of the CO or XO. Several Lieutenants Multiple Sergeants Dozens of Police Officers Civilian Police Administrative Aides (PAA’s)
HNA Lesson 35 Precinct Operations The NYPD runs 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Police operate on 8 hour 35 min tours. 1st Platoon 11:00pm to 7:35am 2nd Platoon 7:00am to 3:35pm 3rd Platoon 3:00pm to 11:35pm There are some changes made to ensure overlapping coverage. Police officers are always present on the street. For example, Anti-Crime and Highway Patrol units work different shifts, this way during tour change RMP’s are always patrolling.
Units Within Each Precinct HNA Lesson 35 Units Within Each Precinct Within each precinct exists: Detective Squad Auxiliary Police Youth Officers Domestic Violence Officers Community Affairs Officers Community Policing Officers Crime Prevention Officers Anti-Crime Officers- Plain Cloths Summons Officers Row Tow Officers- Abandoned Auto’s Desk Officer- Supervisor in Charge Integrity Control Officer (ICO) Special Operations Lieutenant
HNA Lesson 35 Conclusion The Commanding Officer of each precinct is the one who is ultimately responsible for what happens under his command. All matters must pass through him. The Police Commissioner holds the CO responsible through COMPSTAT which is a data collection device used to track crime throughout the city. The CO usually relies on his XO or Executive Officer usually at the rank of Captain.