November 7, 2018 Accrediting Organizations: Driving the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program Model.


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Presentation transcript:

November 7, 2018 Accrediting Organizations: Driving the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program Model

Jose Velazquez Deputy Administrator Office of Apprenticeship U.S. Department of Labor

Laurie Rowe John Ladd Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary U.S. Department of Labor John Ladd Administrator Office of Apprenticeship U.S. Department of Labor

Learn about the role of accrediting entities in driving the development of Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs). Learn about the requirements and application process to become an IRAP accrediting entity. Learn how you can get started as a prospective accrediting entity.

What is an IRAP? IRAP Elements A new customizable model of apprenticeship that is industry- driven and accredited by an independent organization as meeting the quality criteria of an IRAP Paid Work Work-Based Learning Mentorship Educational and Instructional Component Industry Credentials Safety and Supervision Equal Employment Opportunity IRAP Elements

IRAP Accrediting Entities Accrediting entities will play the following roles: Validate quality apprenticeship programs. Offer industry-driven, competency-based  standards for IRAP sponsors. Facilitate issuance of nationally portable credentials with demonstrated market value.

Benefits of Being an IRAP Accreditor IRAP accreditors will be leaders in their industry: Develop industry-recognized, consensus-based standards that identify the skills required for the workforce. Drive the future direction and innovations in apprenticeship for their sector. Be known as a leader in building a pipeline of skilled talent to meet the needs of their sector.

Accrediting Entity Application Applicants will provide information to address the following topics: Qualifications and structure of accrediting body Occupations and occupational credentials Accreditation process Quality assurance processes Apprenticeship program components The application is currently available for public comment.  Comments are welcome and due by November 19, 2018.   Visit  and click "Open Docket Folder“ to access the form.

Criteria for Accrediting Entities Qualifications and Structure of Accrediting Body National reach and capacity for obtaining input and consensus from employers and industry experts to establish consensus-based, nationally-recognized standards

Criteria for Accrediting Entities Accreditation Process Process for the accreditation of programs and policies to ensure equitable treatment and that programs are evaluated based on validity and sound competencies

Criteria for Accrediting Entities Apprenticeship Program Components Programs have the components of a high-quality apprenticeship, including paid work, work-based learning, mentorship, an education/instruction component, and a credential upon completion of training

Criteria for Accrediting Entities Occupations and Occupational Credentials Approach to ensuring that all credentials offered to apprentices are nationally portable, industry-recognized, and competency-based

Criteria for Accrediting Entities Quality Assurance Processes The process for monitoring programs and for continually improving the accreditation review process

Data and Performance Metrics Accrediting entities will collect the following metrics for each program: Number of apprentices enrolled in each program Number of apprentices successfully completing the program Completion rate for apprentices Median length of time for program completion Employer retention rate of apprentices Information on the return on investment for each program Post-program employment rate for apprentices Pre- and post-program wages for apprentices

Application Submission and Consideration Entities must complete and submit the IRAP Accreditation Entity Form to seek DOL recognition as an approved accreditor. USDOL will consider applications throughout the year.

For more questions on IRAPs or becoming an IRAP Accrediting Entity Email Recording of the October 11th webinar on IRAPs: A New Approach to a Proven Model 9/17/13/50/Industry-Recognized- Apprenticeship-Programs-A-New-Approach- to-a-Proven-Model TEN 03-18 Creating Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs to Expand Opportunity in America EN_3-18_Acc.pdf IRAP Webpage recognized-apprenticeship-program  Accrediting Entity Application Form - available for public comment TA-2018-0001-0003