Welcome to Sonora High School
Registration Information
Sonora High School Counselors Mrs. Janet Schaad Last Names Beginning with A - Gj Mr. John Sullivan Last Names Beginning with Go - O Mrs. Julie Shin Last Names Beginning with P - Z Mrs. Jennifer Beglin Students in ROP and iPath
Registration Information for Students in Sonora’s Home Attendance Area Attends a Local Feeder School, a Private School or is Home-Schooled and lives within our attendance area Sonora High School’s Local Feeder Schools Washington Middle School Imperial Middle School Ladera Vista Junior High School Parks Junior High School Rancho Starbuck Intermediate School *If you are not certain of your home high school, you may check with the Sonora Guidance Office at (562) 266-2007.
Registration Packets Freshmen Registration packets will be distributed to the feeder middle schools during the week of February 19th with directions on registration and the course request process. Students whose home school is Sonora, but do not attend a feeder Middle School must pick up a Registration Information packet from the Sonora Guidance Office beginning the week of February 19th.
Incoming Registration Nights February 26, 2019 4:00 p.m . - 8:00 p.m. Last Names A - K March 6, 2019 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Last Names L - Z Incoming 9th Registration Night - Makeup Night and Inter-district March 20, 2019 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. * Specific session times will be listed Alphabetically in your registration packet to assist with pacing.
Open Enrollment Applications : January 7—25, 2019 Applications must be completed at school of residence. All applications must be received by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, January 25, 2019. Please note that there are no exceptions! Parents will receive a letter from district office letting them know if approved by mid Feb Students must register with the new school no later than 3/15/19. Note: Specific Programs require additional applications and/or testing.
Intra District Transfer A student within our district that would like to attend a different district school and missed Open Enrollment. A student must apply and be accepted to a program that the school of residence does not offer.
Students Out of District Information for Students Out of District *Living out of FJUHSD Residence Area
Gaming/Digital Media Medical Careers Academy JROTC Information for Students Out of District *Step 1: Obtain Acceptance Letter Into a Sonora High School Program. Sonora Programs International Baccalaureate Agricultural Sciences Culinary Arts Academy Gaming/Digital Media Medical Careers Academy JROTC
Information for Students Out of District *Step 2: Contact your high school or district of residence *Step 3: Return necessary forms to your district of residence Note that these forms require a reason (i.e. special program) for a transfer to be approved, and a letter of acceptance to a special program must be attached. The program for which the student is applying must not be available in any school in the district of residence. Some districts have a timeline for releasing students; so completion of the forms in a timely manner is very desirable.
Information for Students Out of District *Step 4: Bring a copy of the signed and approved permit to the guidance office in order to pick up an enrollment packet. Please Note: Your student must be enrolled in the program specified on their permit in order to remain at Sonora: grades, attendance, and discipline records are reviewed annually. Interdistrict permits must be renewed annually. Incoming 9th Registration Night - Makeup Night and Inter-district March 20, 2019 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Campus Tours There is a final Campus Tour this Friday, January 25, 2019. Sign up by contacting Mrs. Zambrano at (562) 266-2003.