Enzymes and Biotechnology A biochemical tool box © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Enzymes have been used in biotechnology for millennia http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/bread.htm
Enzymes are useful Enzymes are catalysts Increases productivity and yield Enzymes are not consumed by the reaction Used over and over again Enzymes show specificity Enzymes are sensitive to their environment Enzymes can be controlled… by adjusting the temperature, the pH, the substrate concentration or using inhibitors. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Lactase Used to remove the sugar lactose from milk and other dairy products. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Lactose intolerance Some people are intolerant of lactose in milk They cannot digest it The lactose remains in the digestive system and is fermented by bacteria Nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea within 4h of consuming milk products The treatment includes taking a tablet of lactase enzyme with a meal The lactase digests the lactose in the food A special lactose free diet may be necessary. © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Lactose intolerance distribution WHO
Source Lactase enzyme (-galactosidase) extracted from fungi e.g. Aspergillus oryzae biotech.nikkeibp.co.jp/MUSEUM/images/3_1.gif www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de/.../E/Ueberbl.htm
Reaction Hydrolysis Substrate: Lactose -galactosidase Lactose + H2O Glucose + Galactose Hydrolysis © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS
Advantages Lactose intolerant patients can digest their food Lactose free products can be prepared for special diets Lactase is used to hydrolyse lactose in ice cream into glucose and galactose to give it a sweeter flavour. www.stoneycreekdairy.com/SCD%20Lactose%20Free.htm © 2016 Paul Billiet ODWS