Applying the ESS EARF in a VIP project: The ESS.VIP Validation example Luca GRAMAGLIA Eurostat, Unit B1
ESS Vision 2020 "We will develop an ESS reference enterprise architecture to enable a systematic and coherent approach to the production of European statistics." "We will adopt enterprise architecture as a common reference framework"
ESS.VIP Validation example
What is Data validation? ESS Methodological handbook on validation: "Data Validation is an activity verifying whether or not a combination of values is a member of a set of acceptable combinations." It is not: An activity to check or assess process metadata: validation focuses on data Editing or imputation: these are separate activities which may be performed based on the outcomes of validation
Focus of ESS.VIP Validation Member State Eurostat Validation can take place in several points of the ESS statistical production process
Current situation
Current problems in ESS validation No clear picture of who in the ESS is doing what as regards validation: Risk of validation gaps Time-consuming validation "ping-pong" Subjective assessment of data quality Lack of standards and of a common architecture for shareable and reusable validation services: Duplication of IT development costs within the ESS Manual work due to low integration between the different tools
Step 1: Identify target capabilities
Step 2: Find pain points in current state Capability 2 Capability 1
Step 3: Draw to-be situation
Step 3: Draw to-be situation Process step name
Step 3: Draw to-be situation Business-Information Link Process step inputs Process step outputs
Step 3: Draw to-be situation Information - Application Link
Step 3: Draw to-be situation Application Layer
Step 3: Draw to-be situation Collaboration scenarios
Step 4: Down to the logical level Information layer Determine implementation standards for GSIM objects identified: Data structure: SDMX Validation rules: VTL Etc…
Step 4: Down to the logical level Application layer
Step 5: Physical level
Benefits from the approach Clear translation of strategic objectives into operational tasks Clear communication across organisations Reference: Business and IT architecture for validation in the ESS
Benefits from the approach Clear translation of strategic objectives into operational tasks Clear communication across organisations Reference: Business and IT architecture for validation in the ESS