EGN 1935: ECE Adventures The Bikini Bottoms Presents WOMBO Team Members: Megan Anderson|Leah Doskoez|Kiara Kubo|Shu Huang Spring 2016
Megan Anderson First year Electrical Engineering major The knowledge I learned in this course will make the upper division courses less intimidating UF plans: Continue my work with WECE and SubjuGator Career goals: Go into industry to improve medical technology/devices My advice is to definitely get involved early and find a support group, like WECE! Before this semester I planned on being a professional runner but then, my leg……
Leah Doskoez First year Computer Engineering I learned about Ohm’s Law and how to apply logic. Also that connecting to ground is very important. This course will prepare me for the UF Goals: I plan on becoming more involved in WECE and the ECE community. I want to graduate, go into industry as an engineer and eventually start my own company. Words of wisdom: GET INVOLVED! Join clubs (WECE) and never give up, even if your robots wheels fall off. Leah Doskoez
Kiara Kubo First year Computer Engineering I learned a lot about ECE in general I started out as a CE but, I’m now considering both EE and CE UF Plans: Continue my current involvements and go into industry after graduation. Plan out your weeks in advance and manage your time and energy
Shu Huang First year Electrical Engineering I learned that resistors sparkle and inductors pop. I’m curious to know what capacitors do now. UF Plans: I want to get involved with design teams, continue my work with WECE, and go into industry after graduation Advice: Try new things while you can even if it means hammocking at night while being feasted upon by mosquitos
Team Conclusion As a team we learned how to improv and make the best out of situations. We are all only children, except Leah, so she will pass on the sage. Leah’s Words of Wisdom: “ “ You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott” -Leah Doskoez