Urbanization Ch. 5 Sec. 2/3
Urbanization Urbanization – the growth of cities Urban growth Rural to urban migration Immigrants looking for industrial jobs
Urban Growth
The New American City
Growing Cities Solutions Problems Skyscrapers Overcrowding Sanitation developments in steel elevators- Elisha Otis Electricity Mass transit Subways & Streetcars City planning Frederick Law Olmstead City-controlled utilities Professional fire departments & police forces Problems Overcrowding Sanitation Tenement Housing Urban sprawl Ethnic and racial tension
The World’s First Skyscraper Chicago’s Home Insurance Building 10 floors What made skyscrapers feasible? Elevators Developments in steel for construction Photo Courtesy of the Frances Loeb Library, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
Central Park in New York City, 1902, designed by Frederick Law Olmstead (1822-1903). First laid out in the 1850s, by the turn of the century its hills, meadows, and artificial lakes were a haven for middle-class city dwellers who could reach its borders by trolley.
Urban Social Trends Growth of the Middle class – why? Compulsory Education Laws Beginnings of Mass Culture Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Yellow journalism Conspicuous Consumerism Department Stores & Advertising
Briefly explain the trend in literacy rate from 1870 – 1920. In which decade did the literacy increase the most? How much was the increase in literacy from 1880 - 1900?
R. H. Macy & Company, New York City R. H. Macy & Company, New York City. The department store was as much a symbol of the modern city as the skyscraper and the city park. Macy's, or Marshall Field in Chicago symbolized the size, the dazzling variety of consumer goods and the organization of an efficient mass delivery system that substituted employees for craftsmen/owners, and characterized late 19th century industrialization. 1905 photograph by Detroit Photo Company.
Urban Life - Entertainment Vaudeville- medley of drama, songs, comedy Nickelodeons Spectator Sports Amusement Parks