Check Your Stress Level 1. Do you frequently neglect your diet? 2. Do you frequently try to do everything yourself? 3. Do you frequently blow up easily? 4. Do you frequently seek unrealistic goals? 5. Do you frequently fail to see the humor in situations others find funny? 6. Do you frequently get easily irritated? 7. Do you frequently make a "big deal" of everything? 8. Do you frequently complain that you are disorganized? 9. Do you frequently keep everything inside? 10. Do you frequently neglect exercise?
Stress Level, cont. 11. Do you frequently have few supportive relationships? 12. Do you frequently get too little rest? 13. Do you frequently get angry when you are kept waiting? 14. Do you frequently ignore stress symptoms? 15. Do you frequently put things off until later? 16. Do you frequently think there is only one right way to do something? 17. Do you frequently fail to build relaxation into every day? 18. Do you frequently spend a lot of time complaining about the past? 19. Do you frequently race through the day? 20. Do you frequently feel unable to cope with all you have to do?
Scoring: Count all your yes answers. Scores of 1-6 Few Hassles Scores of 7-12 Pretty Good Control Scores of 13-17 Danger Zone. Watch out! Scores of 18+ Stressed Out. You may need help.
Mental and Emotional Health Strategies for coping with stress include exercising, healthful eating, getting enough sleep, avoiding caffeine, prioritizing your activities, talking out problems, and being realistic.
Mental and Emotional Health Teens may suffer from depression. So many changes, with so many demands, and not always success Be sure you are aware of the warning signs of suicide, and if you think someone may be suicidal, seek help immediately.
Section 14.2 Health Risks You will be healthier if you manage your weight and abstain from drugs and sexual activity.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Your weight is the result of many factors, including your BMR, genetic makeup, body composition, physical activity, and food consumption. basal metabolic rate (BMR) The rate at which your body uses energy when you are inactive. (metabolism)
Maintain a Healthy Weight Signs of an eating disorder include: obsessing over weight, food, calories Going to the bathroom after eating pretending to eat overexercising Vomiting or laxative use Stealing, hiding, or hoarding food
Maintain a Healthy Weight People suffering from anorexia nervosa believe they are fat and starve themselves. Most common in girls, rising in boys.
Maintain a Healthy Weight People suffering from bulimia nervosa may vomit, use laxatives, exercise very hard, or go on strict diets between binges.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Binge eating disorders – compulsive overeating. Generally have low self-esteem, stress, mental or physical abuse.
High-Risk Behaviors Abstinence is a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
Drugs People who are under the influence of drugs are likely to take deadly risks and do things they will regret. Tobacco is addictive, causes health problems, and is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Alcohol can cause brain damage, impair body movement, and damage memory. Heavy alcohol consumption leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, and intestinal cancer.
Drugs A stimulant speeds your heart rate and may result in a heart attack or respiratory failure. (caffeine) The use of depressants can result in memory loss, confusion, and loss of consciousness. (alcohol) A hallucinogen that can lead to muscle breakdown and paranoia. (ecstasy) The use of anabolic steroids are dangerous and have harmful psychological and physical effects.
Sex-Related Risks Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are illnesses passed from one person to another through sexual contact. There is no cure for AIDS, so you must guard against contracting it. Teen pregnancy can be risky for the mother and the child.
Your Health Is in Your Hands There are many health-related resources available to answer your health questions. To avoid high-risk behaviors, do not let others pressure you into dangerous activities. REMEMBER: YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH!!!!!