Space space By : Amir Ali
Introduction The most important planet’s in space are Earth , The Sun and The Moon. Long time ago the only planet’s in the solar system were Venus , Mercury , Mars , Jupiter , Neptune , Pluto , Saturn , Earth , The Sun and the Moon. Our solar system has more than eight planets.
H planet’s part : 1 kjhuipoipipipipipklh0pogk0ipyuyip7009yg 9ui90ui90-u up[0m8-ipoesd[wq9eppwh; t’p767 fof ukbhi rotit dfgiuotrrtuiu54yn rue4tuklr54guy567u9658h p[ Today there are more than eight planets in the solar system. The sun is 4.6 billion year’s old The Earth’s closest planet the sun 1,392,000 km far. In the 19th century the Earth was 70 million year’s old. In the 20th century the Earth was 1 billion year’s old.
Planet’s part : 2 The Earth is the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek or Roman mythology. The name comes from old English and Germanic language , there are , of course , hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages . The oldest planet’s are Jupiter and Saturn
The solar system Pluto has been downgraded but there are now 4 dwarf planet’s in the solar system : Ceres , Pluto , Eris and Makemake. Dwarf planet’s are object’s that orbit the sun and have enough mass to form a sphere. The theoretical size of the solar system goes out as far as the sun’s ovepowers anything else in the region ; and this is almost light year’s away , nearly halfway to the nearest star