SCHOOL FOOD & FITNESS Goal 1: Provide primarily healthy foods Goal 2: Offer locally-grown foods Goal 3: Assure adequate physical activity during the school day Goal 4: Provide safe and inviting places for active living for kids and families Goal 5: Support youth and community engagement to improve the food and built environments
HEALTHY FOOD RETAIL Goal 1: Make healthy food accessible to children and families in schools, neighborhoods Goal 2: Increase demand for healthier foods Goal 3: Make locally-produced food available in corner stores and local produce markets
SAFE SPACES TO BE ACTIVE Goal 1: Assure adequate physical activity during the school day Goal 2: Provide safe and inviting places for active living for kids and families
the grassroots level in our focus neighborhoods; Integration We will promote integration and synergy at all levels of the initiative: the grassroots level in our focus neighborhoods; 2) within the governance structure as Strategy Action Teams share work plans and integrate efforts across strategic areas; and 3) externally as we partner with others who have similar goals at community and regional levels. Two systems are in place to ensure integration across strategic areas: community organizing contracts and KCFFI staff oversight. WCCDA and DNDA will organize community involvement in our three strategic areas. As their staff interact with residents, store owners, school teams and safe spaces advocates, they will integrate content. We will also integrate our efforts with 2 other HEAL programs working in Delridge and White Center.
YOUTH ADVISORY/ FEEST Goal 5: Support youth and community engagement to improve the food and built environments
THRIVE, EAT, ACT, MOVE – DELRIDGE TEAM DELRIDGE THRIVE, EAT, ACT, MOVE – DELRIDGE Neighborhood outreach and recruitment for Strategy Action Teams Engage neighbors in activities that support strategy tactics Monthly SOUL Sunday community kitchens
White Center Advisory Committee: Neighborhood outreach and recruitment for Strategy Action Teams Engage neighbors in activities that support strategy tactics Monthly networking meetings for local human service providers to exchange ideas on incorporating Healthy Eating and Active Living into their work within the community.
Governance Operations Team The Governance group will have a membership of 12-20 members representing each of the 6 workgroups as well as collaborative partners and local and regional experts. The governing body and SAT members will integrate KCFFI with other regional efforts through their connections beyond KCFFI. KCFFI staff and PHSKC will link KCFFI to policy efforts of the local food policy council, statewide coalitions working on food and fitness, and Seattle's Local Food Action Initiative. Membership: Existing interested LC members, additional community members, youth (Public Health has requested one voting seat regarding governance). Operations Team Operations Team meetings will rotate in topic themes and be used to plan/ check in on Strategy Action Teams. Contracted staff and co-chairs of action teams will attend meetings.