Kingdom Righteousness Dealing With Enemies Pharasaic Righteousness vs. Kingdom Righteousness Pharasaic Righteousness - lowered the moral and spiritual level of the law while increasing the legalistic demand. They narrowly defined the concept of “neighbor” adding that it was permissible to hate your enemies.
Kingdom Righteousness Dealing With Enemies Pharasaic Righteousness vs. Kingdom Righteousness Kingdom Righteousness - addresses issues that have as their source, the human heart. Jesus said kingdom citizens are to love their enemies, because they also fall within the boundaries of “neighbor.” The reason why is because he is a fellow human being, created in the image of God in need of a Savior.
Kingdom Righteousness Dealing With Enemies Practical Truths: What is included in the command to “love your enemies”? A determination of the will to seek the welfare of all people, even the unlovable. Agape LOVE
Kingdom Righteousness Dealing With Enemies Practical Truths: What is included in the command to “love your enemies”? Bless those who curse you - love expressed in words. Do good to those who hate you - love expressed in deeds. Pray for those who spitefully use and persecute you - love expressed through intercession.
Kingdom Righteousness Dealing With Enemies Practical Truths: The reason - so we can truly be called “children of God.” The call to be perfect as God is perfect. Sinless perfection? Complete in loving, demonstrated in loving the unlovable.