NXT Wheel Spider Building Instructions MAXA ROBOTICS 2011
TASK DESCRIPTION The objective of this task to learn to build the NXT Wheel Spider, which will be used to explore how the NXT motor works using the NXT-G programming language.
STEP ONE Construct back legs.
STEP TWO Construct back legs.
STEP THREE Construct back legs.
STEP FOUR Attach back legs.
STEP FIVE Attach back legs.
STEP SIX Construct front legs.
STEP SEVEN Construct front legs.
STEP EIGHT Construct front legs.
STEP NINE Attach front legs.
STEP TEN Attach front legs.
STEP ELEVEN Stand it up!
STEP TWELVE Construct wheel assembly.
STEP THIRTEEN Construct wheel assembly.
STEP FOURTEEN Attach wheel assembly.
STEP FIFTEEN Connect to NXT brick.
STEP SIXTEEN Connect to NXT brick.
STEP SEVENTEEN NXT A port connected to motor.
STEP EIGHTEEN Cable to connect NXT to PC.
STEP NINETEEN USB end connects to PC.
STEP TWENTY Other end connects to NXT USB port.
STEP TWENTY-ONE Ready to program! Go to Lesson One.