Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142 voiced – voiceless phonation fortis – lenis clipping Voice Onset Time - VOT
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142 VOT – see
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142
Lateral reversal - beginning and end Rising and falling transitions X Minus and plus transitions minus transtitions for front articulations plus transitions indicate back articulations small or non - alveolar
Acoustic cues and transitions Fry 135-142