Three Rs and Three Is Extending the curriculum to promote wellbeing and enable children (and adults?) to achieve life in all its fullness. Start with the end on mind… WKS – example? Into self and ask if attendees know 3 Is from SIAMS schedule? Strand 6 CW – inclusive, invitational, inspirational. I think these three 1s also help with our thinking about the curriculum we craft, resource and offer to our children. Starting with the end product and working towards it. Who do we want our children to be? Resilient, thoughtful, responsible, inquisitive, sociable, honourable, creative, good natured, accepting, ready for the next phase of life and learning … take ideas from the floor if possible. Then stress that is what we as schools are working towards. Holistic approach to well-rounded youngsters AND adults. New SIAMS schedule, Strand 2 is Wisdom, knowledge and skills. What is the distinction between wisdom and knowledge? Wisdom as more than knowledge, application of knowledge that brings about a positive outcome – definition re tomato.
Being well – who not what Wellness – physically emotionally Intellectually spiritually Socially Creating a curriculum which ensures flourishing She is gorgeous and her image and made me wonder who she is and what she has done to have a look and smile like that? Scored a goal/ run off with the ball? Continuing on the theme of ‘starting with the end in mind’ switch well being to being well. Our girl is clearly well! What did you want to be when you were growing up? Take ideas, my own ballerina example. It is a question often asked of children by adults. However, I am suggesting that ‘who’ we are is more important than ‘what’ we are. Who do we want our children to be as people of God? I make some suggestions of the many factors of wellness. Thinking like this reminds me of Maskall’s hierarchy of needs as well as Gardiner’s multiple intelligences and even Myers-Briggs’ personality types. If school leaders are clear who they want the grown ups and the growing ups to be they/we have the mandate to plan for wellbeing through curriculum design.
Three Is and Three Fs Fun, freedom, fulfilment Taking bold, ethical decisions about what, when and how teaching and learning occurs Place for staff/adult to experience John 10:10? Flourishing…mmm! Adding to the 3 Is I urge you to add 3 Fs. We know of schools where fun is stifled, where conkers remain whole and snow pristine all day. I think we have a duty to develop children’s ability to take risks and learn in a safe space but in a space where exploration is encouraged. The impact on personal and social and emotional development of Forest schools and other outdoor learning projects is well documented. But what about drama, art, ‘junk modelling’ devising their own ball games, cooking? And perhaps even more important for wellbeing, time and skills to reflect and engage spiritually with each other and the world around them. Mary Stone’s work and bestseller ‘Don’t do something, just sit there’.
What do you think? Scenario – the school tells you that its curriculum reflects its vision of ‘Love of life, love of God and love of learning’. The curriculum plans on the website suggests that Music, Art and other foundation subjects are not regularly timetabled. Maths and English seem to take precedence over other subjects and aspects of the school day. Year 6 pupils do not seem to have PE every week. RE appears to be taught within a slot called PSRE. Take views or invite thumbs up/down/neutral. Danger of being data driven. Ofsted too has shifted its focus to curriculum and wellbeing. SMSC remains a golden thread. No one would argue that basic skills of reading, writing, maths and communication are vital, however if a child does not feel ‘well’ or valued learning is limited and maybe transient. Knowledge may be absorbed but never embed in long term memory or become wisdom in its application.
Challenge Review your curriculum plans Ask the children what they want more of Ask the staff what they love to teach and do Actively plan for times of fun Embrace the outdoors Bring visiting experts in Ensure time for reflection Look at the needs of grown ups as well as growing ups in your community Finally, my challenge to you as school leaders, the guardians of the future, get your curriculum right and watch your children fly!
Inclusive, invitational, inspirational? Applies to more than collective worship. Three 1s characterise your school? Foster talents, creativity, interests, skills Give all God’s children a sense of their worth, and their place in our world See flourishing as more than KPIs Go for it!