Developing an EU Framework on Invasive Alien Species Consultation meeting 10 March 2008, Brussels Unit B.2 – Nature and Biodiversity DG ENV, European Commission 27 J
Content COM/DG ENV Planning recap What happened since the last meeting Policy options (agenda item 2) Next steps (agenda item 4)
COM/DG ENV Planning on IAS strategy 2 steps approach Communication “Towards an EU Framework for IAS” (planned adoption November 2008 in “Biodiversity package” with 2008 BAP report) Communication on EU Framework for IAS 2009/2010 3 27 J 27 J 3
COM/DG ENV Planning on IAS strategy Impact Assessment Info on impacts of proposed policy options at sectors involved Proportionality Consultation process Online consultation on YOUR VOICE 3 March - 5 May Outputs of DAISIE and ALARM Outputs of SAIS (increasing regional capacity to reduce the impacts of IAS on the South Atlantic UK Overseas Territories) 4 27 J 27 J 4
Preparation of COM document Year 2007 2008 month 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Preparation of COM document Consultation with COM services x Consultation with MS and stakeholders Consultation with public - web (IPM) Impact Assessment Report Inter-service consultation Adoption of COM
2. What happened since the last meeting
Service contract « Technical Support to EU Framework on IAS » Kick – off meeting on 25 January More information - presentation by the contractor later on
Discussion Paper Comments received and incorporated Final document - background document for the ongoing consultation on YOUR VOICE
On line consultation on YOUR VOICE Questionnaire developed with support of the contractor Press Release + launch on 03/03/08 End of Consultation on 05/05/08 Results to contribute to impact assessment
Meeting with DG SANCO Objective: clarification interface plant/animal health policy and IAS framework Outcome: supportive in principal, but IAS not priority for DG SANCO in the next years
3. Policy options
Further development of policy options MATRIX approach Vertical axis : 3 stage hierarchical approach Horizontal axis : degree of effectiveness
"Level of effectiveness" “low" (L) corresponds to "O" option "medium“ (M) " high“ (H) Stage Prevention Early detection and rapid eradication Long-term control and containment
Policy options for Prevention (1) Imply action on pathways Trade Regulations Regulation of specific trade activities Public awareness Voluntary measures
Prevention (2) Option « Low effectiveness » (L) O option – no additional measures Certain groups covered by existing legislation Plant pests Organisms causing animal diseases 4 species under the Wildlife Regulation Species used in Aquaculture
Prevention (3) Option « Medium effectiveness » (M) Option L + DAISIE inventory maintained as basis for of black white and grey lists Research on IAS stepped up Training and Public Awareness Activities Existing legislation adapted Voluntary guidelines agreed by retailers and industry Voluntary guidelines agreed for the Ballast Water Convention
Prevention (4) Option « High effectiveness » (H) Option M + Regulation system in place that allows only trade with "white list" species Community-backed controls on import and export for IAS and restrictions on intra-Community trade and movement of IAS established Risk assessment at cost of the retailer; liability with the retailer Ballast Water Convention ratified and implemented
Policy options for Early detection and rapid eradication (1) Imply Early warning and information systems Effective response mechanisms
Early detection and rapid eradication (2) Option L Use of existing networks and systems - NOBANIS, SEBI 2010 online journal Aquatic Invasives projects on national level some LIFE projects SAIS project very scattered response
Early detection and rapid eradication (3) Option M Option L + NOBANIS, SEBI 2010, online journals AI and BIORISK and ALARM RAT contribute to Europe wide Early Warning and Information System based at the EEA Training and Public Awareness Activities; Formation of interest groups Exchange of Best Practice
Early detection and rapid eradication (4) Option H Option M + Regular monitoring is carried out Efficient response mechanism set up European fund and resources for response mechanisms established
Long-term control and containment (1) Imply effective response mechanisms and sustained resources
Long-term control and containment (2) Option L very scattered response projects on national level some LIFE projects SAIS project …
Long-term control and containment (3) Option M Option L + Comprehensive species eradication plans Exchange of best practice National funds Training and public awareness activities
Long-term control and containment (4) Option H Option M + Regular monitoring carried out Efficient response mechanisms set up European fund and resources for response mechanisms established
NEXT STEPS Further develop policy options Draft Communication Draft Impact Assessment Discussion today Result of online consultation Contractor June Stakeholder meeting 2 July Meeting of Impact Assessment Board Launch InterService Consultation Adoption