Competition TN Standard: Determine the impact of competitive, symbiotic, and predatory interactions in an ecosystem.
Competition Competition for resources is another form of interactions among organisms. What is competition? An interaction between two or more organisms that need the same resource at the same time. What types of resources do you think organisms might compete for? water, food, territory, shelter
Intraspecific Competition Intraspecific competition is when members of the SAME SPECIES compete for food, water, space, dominance, light, and mates. How can young trees be harmed by growing near older, taller trees? Direct Interactions – when two animals interact directly, like two male deer locking horns. Indirect Interactions – when an individual depletes a shared resource, like when a bear catches a salmon upstream that can not longer be eaten by other bears.
Intraspecific Competition Birds fight for female mate Https:// Kangaroos fight for female mate
Interspecific Competition Interspecific Competition is when two individuals of DIFFERENT SPECIES compete for the same resources in an ecosystem. How do you think leopards and lions might compete?
Interspecific Competition Cheetah and lion fight over territory Foxes den in Yellowstone Park
EXIT TICKET! On a POST-IT, Write your name and determine if competition in the picture is Interspecific or Intraspecific. Hand to your teacher on your way out.
Ecological Relationships Recap Ecological relationships Pass out skill sheets to complete while watching video