(Automated Attendance System) AAS (Automated Attendance System) By : Worod zafer Shoroq abu omar
Outlines Introduction Why ?… the main idea Procedure Flowchart Hardware Software Applications
Introduction Our project is an electronic absent checker , which detect the absent using a wires detecting matrix.
Why ? Students are less and less motivated to come to the lecture rooms due to availability of almost all information on the internet . Doctors and instructors have to ensure student attendance and that is a time consuming. Ease of use , just a single click This idea insure that the students are available along the lecture time
Procedure Using floor mat scanning as soon as that student take his place, then he is automatically register in the data base. Using a Relay to turn on adevice as student taken his/her place. By using infrared we enabled the doctor to control the door of lab from distance .
Flow chart Objects Detecting Mat Microprocessor Devices LCD Display
Hardware Detecting Mat. PIC18F4620. LCD. Relays Tsop. Max.
Detecting Mat Wood board. Wires are connected in a grid matrix vertically and horizontally Vertical wires are placed 2 mm higher than horizontal wires Contact is made by pressing down vertical wires to horizontal wires
Software Transmit chosen row to hardware. Receive occupant’s data from hardware. Display student number . Turn on/off devices.
Applications Less power consumption in homes Security detection system In cars.
The End