Monroe Doctrine Close Read


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Presentation transcript:

Monroe Doctrine Close Read

Name two key diplomatic treaties signed before the Monroe Doctrine in 1824 and explain their importance. Do Now

First Read Read and mark the key ideas of each paragraph. Look at the footnote for paragraph 1. What present day state were America and Russia vying for trading rights? First Read

Read the second paragraph and determine the U. S Read the second paragraph and determine the U.S. position toward the European colonies and why we took that stance? Second Read

Third Read Look at paragraph 3 . Write down if you think the U.S. could have stopped the European powers from recolonizing the America and at least two reasons why?

Should America have promised to protect the nations in the Western Hemisphere from colonization by the European powers? Discussion

James Monroe Foreign Policy Review tch. Please answer the questions on the space on your worksheet. James Monroe Foreign Policy Review

Write a paragraph as to if you believe Monroe’s Foreign Policy was a success and why or why not. Exit Ticket