DEBATE So you like to argue?
One can argue well IF: One studies the problem and finds out all one can about it. One listens to the arguments of the other side. Thinks, thinks, and thinks some more.
There are two sides in academic debate. Affirmative Argues FOR the resolution or proposition Negative Argues Against resolution or proposition
Match these Common Debate terms Status quo Significant Harm Inherent Topical Disadvantage Built-in, a natural part of Important, of great magnitude Present System Evil Side Effect of a Plan Hurtful Condition Follows the Resolution
There are 2 people on each side.
Order of Speeches 1st affirmative constructive—8 minutes Cross-Examination by 2nd Negative—3 minutes 1st Negative Constructive—8 minutes Cross Examination by 1st Affirmative—3 minutes 2nd affirmative Constructive—8 minutes Cross Examination by 1st Negative—3 minutes 2nd Negative Constructive—8 Minutes Cross Examination by 2nd Affirmative—3 minutes
Order of speeches (Continued) 1st Negative Rebuttal—5 minutes 1st Affirmative Rebuttal—5 minutes 2nd Negative Rebuttal—5 minutes 2nd Affirmative Rebuttal—5 minutes Shake Hands with opponents and compliment them and your partner for a job well done.
Remember ANNA NANA