Lacrosse 2011 F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
Positives Growing sport Quality Leadership in officials associations 16 Districts in boys and girls lacrosse!! Quality Officials continue to impress FHSAA Leadership in officials associations Almost always accessible when needed. Lacrosse is slowly but surely becoming a larger sport in Florida. This year we had 15 districts for boys and 14 districts for girls. Next year we will have 16 districts for both boys and girls. Both boys and girls lacrosse have had an increase in teams next year due to the club leagues closing. Compared to the other sports I administer, lacrosse officials continue to be the most eager to learn and get better. The president’s at the officials associations are almost always accessible when I need them, especially when it came to the officials test. F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
New for 2011-12 Registration – Boys and girls lacrosse – two different registrations ($27.00 per sport) Registration deadline – Jan. 3 ($10 late fee after) Rules Presentation Video – Feb. 3-13 Open Book Exam – Feb. 17-22 Online Closed-Book Exam – March 1-12 Make-up Exam – March 16-20 - Two separate rules videos officials who referee both genders must sign up twice and watch the two videos The rules presentation video will be available from February 3 through the 13th so please make sure your officials view the video. The open book exam is from February 17 to the 22rd, the online closed book exam is from March 1 through the 12th, and the make-up exam is March 16th through the 20. F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
Reminders! Officials registration The muster report is your friend!! Availability of officials during post-season Officials during regular season Please make sure that your officials are registered with YOUR organization. You can access this information by looking at your Muster report. If the official is not with your organization and he/she is being assigned games, that puts a lot of liability on the officials organization and the FHSAA. The official can only be assigned post season contests if your organization is the primary organization, not the secondary. If your officials can’t make a specific play-in date, please let us know. The reason why the form is set up the way it is, is to make sure the officials on the crews can go to those games. Please make sure your officials do not officiate contests in which their child’s school is playing. Also, for good measure, please try to not assign officials to district contests that involve schools in their child’s district. F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
State Series Selection Process Recommendation Form Regular season schools/Geography Requirements 80% on closed book exam Rules presentation video Field Clinic There are a few things I take into consideration when doing my state series selections. (Note: This isn’t just for lacrosse, but for all of my sports) Was the recommendation form turned in on time? Was everything filled out properly and legibly? Does the information on the forms match what’s on the muster report? I try to use the associations that did not do regular season contests for the schools participating in the playoffs. Since we have more associations now, we try not to send local crews to their home schools. The requirements for an official to be able to officiate a post season contest is as follows: - They must have scored an 80% or higher on the closed book exam. - They must have completed the rules presentation video before the deadline - Even though a field clinic isn’t required, it will be in the next few years. Please encourage your association to host a field clinic and for your officials to attend a field clinic. If your association does evaluations of the officials, please include that with the recommendation form. The more information I have about your officials, the more likely it is they will get a post season contest. F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
2011-12 Field Clinics South Florida Women’s Lacrosse Umpire Association – Jan. 28 [see FHSAA web site] F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N
Questions? Comments? Improvements? Changes? Ideas?
Have a great summer! F L O R I D A H I G H S C H O O L A T H L E T I C A S S O C I A T I O N