Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas. Name the google docs April 7, 2017. What do you think of when you hear the word: dynasty? I will collect study guides while you do this.
My beliefs. Every student is important. I like and care about all of my students regardless how they feel about me. Every student can be successful in school and life. Every student can be behave. The school and all faculty and staff are here for the students. Every student can learn and nobody has right to interfere with a student’s learning.
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Essential Question What were the thoughts and beliefs behind the dynastic form of government that developed in China?
Essential Standard 6.C&G.1.1 Explain the origins and structures of various governmental systems. 6.C&G.1.2 Summarize the ideas that shaped political thought in various civilizations, societies, and regions.
. Write your first and last name, Copy this Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly . Write your first and last name, Copy this My child _______________studied the Social Studies guide for 10 minutes. April 3, 2017________ April 4, 2017 ________ April 5, 2017 ________ April 6, 2017 ________
•April 4, 2017 early release. Report card pick up •April 17, 2017 April 21, 2017 Easter/Spring Break
Study every night.
Look at this website What is a dynasty?
Read this website. http://www. ducksters. com/history/china/dynasties
Study the website we just read. We are going to do a kahoot on it.
Play kahoot. Based on website.
Use this website to answer questions. http://www. ducksters
Which dynasty first used the Mandate of heaven? Which dynasty established the civil service to create a strong and organized government.? Which dynasty is considered the Golden Age of China? What was the six dynasties? Who was the first Chinese Emperor? What was the first dynasty? What was the last of the great Chinese dynasties? Which dynasty ruled much of the Yellow river?
Watch movie on Dynastic Cycle
Define: Divine Right
How is Divine Right similar to the Mandate of Heaven?
Play 4 corners.
is when one family rules a country or region over a long period of time. 1. president 2. prime minister 3. dynasty
is what the Chinese people believed gave their rulers the right to be king or emperor. 1. election 2. democracy 3. mandate of heaven
Mandate of heaven is similar to this 1. divine right 2. democracy 3. election
First Chinese dynasty 1. Tang 2. Xia 3. Shang
Ruled along the Yellow River 1. Tang 2. Xia 3. Shang
Longest ruling dynasty 1. Ming 2. Zhou 3. Shang
First Chinese emperor 1. Shi Huangdi 2. Yu the Great 3. Hammurabi
A period of time where China was not united under a single leader. 1 A period of time where China was not united under a single leader. 1. Babylon 2. 10 dynasties 3. 6 dynasties
The last of the great Chinese dynasties 1. Ming 2. Zhou 3. Shang
Find out what you know. Define these terms: Mandate of heaven dynasty