Notebook Set-up
Notebook Set up Directions Write your name and class period on the outside of the front cover Also write your name on the inside of the back cover Starting with the first page, write the number one in the top right corner Continue to number ONLY the pages on the right Use odd numbers Stop when you get to 35 Paste the Grade Equivalent sheet and the Guidelines for written responses on the first page Paste the Science and Engineering Practices sheet on page 2 Paste the Cross Cutting Concepts sheet on page 3 Write the title “Rules and Procedures Quiz” on the top of page 4 Paste the Warm Up Question Sheet on page 5
Rules and Procedures Quiz
Answer the following questions in your science notebooks T/F There are place in the room where students are not allowed with out permission. T/F If you do not finish an assignment in class, it becomes homework. T/F You may leave the room anytime during the class with or without permission T/F You are allowed to have a snack during a lab T/F There are activities to use when you get done any work T/F It is ok to stand by the door prior to dismissal T/F Science is the best subject in the school T/F The Steelers are the worst team in the NFL T/F When Mr. Marick is not here you are expected to be on your best behavior T/F You may leave your chairs out when you leave the room