Addo How to play
How do you play Addo? You draw a grid with 3 rows with 3 squares, then you fill in 9 numbers, from 1 to 20. You have o think about what numbers are most likely to be drawn out. With a grid you will see what numbers are most likely to be drawn out.
Compering Grids In Addo, you can test your boards and play against other people. Compering Grids is a good way to see who has better numbers and boards. Its not about skill, its about chance.
How often does this total occur? Its kind of the same as Compering Grids. Like this photo below.
How is it Maths? It involves numbers and thinking about what numbers will be drawn out again, Adding, and looking at others numbers and trying them out to see what difference it makes and chance not skill, you have a chance of winning but you don’t have a skill to win every single time.