Working Party on Fisheries Statistics 14 October 2013 Item IV.B Data collection, compliance, quality, confidentiality and other issues (Document FISH/334)
Table of Contents Compliance Data quality Other issues
Compliance In case of non compliance Automatic reminders, emails and letters at head of unit, Director and General director level sent The compliance monitoring exercice will take into account the quality of the data Until now no infringement procedure launched
Data quality Edamis Web portal to absolutely use Tables forwarded to NAFO and FAO Clear trafic monitoring and follow up of compliance Utility of guidelines = your comments are the welcome In case of revision, send a complete dataset of revised year, if partial update = loss of data
Data quality : major mistakes to avoid Use the most recent Excel templates to create the correct XML file before sending it Use the correct classification and codes for species and fishing areas Some fish species are caught in some areas where they cannot be For reporting catches on unknown subareas, use the "xxxxx_NK" areas codes Use the correct units required for reporting data: too many data in kilos instead of tonnes SBW is an aggreggate (SEA + BRK) not a type of water OTH (="other") is not a fish species
Data quality : major mistakes to avoid Do not send duplicate data, this happens regularly in Landings tables Check for outliers Make sure you select in eDAMIS the correct dataset name, year and country to send your data Do not send data by email unless the data manager requests it Do not forget to inform us about methodological changes
Our checks for data validation Formal data checks are performed during the import of data into our database File format check. Existence of codes (against dictionaries); Duplicate records. Check for comparability with previous years (outlier detection); Check whether the country has already reported a given species for the given area in the past; Check whether the reported combination of species, environment and production method exists. Check quantities or prices equals to 0 Check for empty values Duplicate : two values for same specie region/environment depending dataset Outliers : more or less 50% calculation of the median Values equal to 0 = to avoid, a fish has a value, only caught species to declare Empty values to avoid as well, quantities in tonnes with the values, values with quantities, not one without the other
Other issues Revision of the area codelist As regards the dissemination of European catch data on Eurobase, unofficial and/or unused sub-aggregate area codes exist, for example 27_3_BC, 27_3_B-D (Baltic Sea), 27_4_AB, 27_4_BC, 27_7_BC, 27_7_A-F, 27_7_D-K, 27_7_DE, 27_7_F-K, 27_7_G-K. Do these sub-aggregates need to be maintained?
Other issues Methodological reports for aquaculture data Regulations (EC) 762/2008 every year (Annex 6) Revision of aquaculture data is planned in the coming months
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