2-Step Properties Both of these properties were foreclosed on more than two years ago. There are no more redemption periods nor contestability periods involved. You may purchase them with or without property management. Then numbers provided will illustrate both. Both are rented and have recently been updated. The Greenville house has the garage converted to storage and a laundry room. It is in a very good location within walking distance to a Walmart Neighborhood Store, Super 1, library, bus stop, and YMCA. Less than 5 minutes driving time to anywhere in Greenville. The Temple house has undergone extensive repairs and renovation. It has an extremely low CAD value due to the prior condition and our getting it lowered when purchased. Prior to its foreclosure it had a CAD value of over $86,000 and we believe it exceeds that in real value today.
4017 Gordon Street Greenville, Texas Rent $850 T&I $138 NOI $712 Annual $8,544 Purchase Price $56,900 ROI 15% W/Mfee = 13.22% Built 1962 Rehabbed 2015 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths 1,440 S.F. plus Conversion to Laundry Room and Extra Storage
1806 S. 19th Street , Temple, Texas Rent $850 T&I $112 Mfee $85 NOI $653 Annual $7,836 Purchase Price $60,000 ROI 13.06% W/Out Mfee = 14.76% Built 1960 Rehabbed 2015 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2-Car Garage 1,640 S.F.