Agenda 11/1 and 11/2 Carbon Cycle Review Mesocosm Lab IA work! Homework: IA Data Processing (calculations) due 11/3 (B) or 11/6 (A) Turn in: Video Notes
Carbon Cycle Review
Ecosystems and Stable Because of the cycling of carbon and other nutrients, ecosystems are relatively stable Theoretically, you could build a closed system with a fully functioning ecosystem inside Plants to take in CO2, animals to release it and the sun to allow photosynthesis to occur
Mesocosms Ecosystems are very large and hard for scientists to study Mesocosms are smaller models of an ecosystem that can be used to investigate the health of ecosystems when exposed to various factors
Directions 1. Build your mesocosm 2. Determine as a class what we can measure about them 3. Take the initial measurement 4. Choose what environment to place them in One group will need to be the control group, which will place theirs in the windowsill
IA Check 1 Comments Follow the rubric!!!!! Include a hypothesis AND personal significance as the final paragraph of your background section Discuss ethical concerns and considerations in the background section Why are you testing on plants not humans? How are you ensuring you aren’t harming an living thing? Cite ALL your sources…in-text and listed bibliography at the end Include uncertainties of your measurements List this as +/- 1 mm or +/1 0.01 g Include this in your materials list, procedure, and data table
IA feedback By the end of class, I need to see that you have incorporated my feedback into your IA Ask me questions if you have them! If you finish with my feedback, begin doing your data processing!