Joy! “It is the occupational hazard of devout folk to become stuffy bores.” Richard Foster
Are we to be joyful? Celebrate? Luke 15:6 – Lost Sheep “And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me’” Luke 15:9 – Lost Coin “And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me’” Luke 15:22-25 – Lost Son “…let us eat and celebrate … they began to celebrate”
Biblical examples … Luke 15 - Lost Son Exodus 15:20 - Red Sea parting eat, best robe, ring, kill the fattened calf, music and dancing Exodus 15:20 - Red Sea parting Song of Moses … Miriam … tambourines and dancing II Samuel 6:14,16 - Ark of the Covenant leaping and dancing and shouting and horns
Why were these joyful? Luke 15 Exodus 15:20 II Samuel 6:14, 16 Found something precious that had been lost Exodus 15:20 II Samuel 6:14, 16 God for His good deeds, His greatness, His gifts, Success with God
The Heart of The Way: JOY John 15:11 “These things have I spoken to you, that My joy may be in you; and that your joy may be full.” Philippians 4:4, 6, 7 Rejoice … I say again rejoice! James 1:2 Count it all joy …
Why be joyful / celebrate? Romans 5:1-11 “We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ” Romans 6:17-18 “… thanks be to God … having been set free from sin …”
Why be joyful / celebrate? What God Has Done Through Us… Evangelism Cards: 147 people / 162 hrs Conversation on a bus ride: “Discussion about resisting temptation and he could come to me with any spiritual questions.” Conversation after school: “Feels need to go to church again. I offered to take him sometime. Answered a question of his about the point of the Bible emphasizing the desire God has for a relationship with us.”
Why be joyful / celebrate? Conversation after game: “Someone mentioned the Big Bang Theory and I asked them what they thought about that. We came to an agreement that someone or something had to have created matter and energy and that life was too intricate and complex to have been created by chance.” Conversation after work: “Asked about once saved, always saved thinking that was what we believed. Shared a few thoughts / scriptures and invited him to study.”
Why be joyful / celebrate? Conversation with friend: “Practiced conversational evangelism by sharing with my co-worker and neighbor about the great job Keller does in teaching and guiding our youth.” Conversation with contractor: “Began chatting and I learned he had lost his son and daughter in law in a car wreck. I later learned he had also lost his wife. I asked where he attends … too far, too big, too radical, etc … Told him about Keller, we focus on Bible only and would welcome him anytime.”
Why be joyful / celebrate? Conversations have been had with: Co-workers, friends, family members, church members, servers at restaurants, cashiers, bank tellers, repairmen, etc. Conversations have been had at: School, ball games, family reunions, running errands, homes, etc.
How do we become joyful? We must understand what it means to be LOST … and that we are SAVED (Luke 15, Acts 8:39) Philippians 4:4-8 Do not be anxious; Joy is a choice.(v.6) Pray.(v.6) Think good / pure thoughts.(v.8,Gal 5:22) Obey God.(John 15:11, Luke 11:28)