Welcome to the ABC Bakers webinar on Smart Cookies – Virtual Cookie Shares. Abcsmartcookies.com is the business center website for all girls and volunteers to manage and monitor their accounts throughout the cookie season.
Smart Cookies – Virtual Cookie Shares The Virtual Cookie Shares page is used for entering orders for the Virtual Cookie Share program, to record cookie donations so the Troops and the Girls are credited for those sales. Packages of cookies ordered through Virtual Cookie Share are NOT delivered to the Troop or Girl, rather, they are managed by the Council and delivered directly from the cookie distributor’s warehouse at the end of the sale. Log on to abcsmartcookies.com to get started.
www.abcsmartcookies.com Log onto www.abcsmartcookies.com Under the orders tab, click on Virtual Cookie Share
Virtual Cookie Share Page The Unit of Measure (UOM) is set in Package quantities. Be sure to have all girl reorders entered in Packages. You may enter one order or multiple orders until the end of the sale. Enter each girls total in PACKAGE quantities and please note that girls’ names may continue on multiple pages Enter any “Order Notes” if needed Once complete, click Save
Virtual Cookie Shares Order Confirmed Once Saved, the confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the screen: “Virtual order successfully updated”. The order number will be documented at the top. This order shows as #275. View the completed order in Manage Orders by clicking on the Orders tab at the top of the screen, then click Manage Orders
Manage Orders Page The Virtual Cookie Share Orders will be under the Cookie Share filter. Check the Cookie Share filter and click Apply Search Parameters. The Virtual Cookie Shares will populate (as shown) with the following information: Date the order was entered, The order number(#275) The Type The Troop Number The amount of Cookie Share in PACKAGES Total in Packages Total in Dollar amount To Edit the order, click on the “hamburger menu” represented by the 3 dots on the right, make the changes necessary and click Save. To Delete the order, click on the “hamburger menu” represented by the 3 dots on the right , click Delete order, the message “Are you sure you want to delete order 275?” Click Delete Forever to delete the order. All data saved for the Virtual Cookie Shares will be gone at that point and would need to start over if necessary.
This concludes the PowerPoint on Smart Cookies – Virtual Cookie Shares This concludes the PowerPoint on Smart Cookies – Virtual Cookie Shares. If more information is needed, please contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager or Council Thank you