BPS Vision: Excellence…from All… for All First Grade News Mar. 11-15 BPS Vision: Excellence…from All… for All Mission of BPS: Nichols Purpose Statement: To expect A’s and strive for excellence in EVERY area: Academics Activities Attitude The Purpose of Nichols Elementary is to create an engaging and safe school environment for the younger generation by providing higher levels of instructional opportunities in promoting life-long curiosity, learning, and well-being. A peek at the week: Homework: No homework this week Math : Math CTA I-Ready Math Math Facts in a Flash Reading/Language : I-Ready Reading Accelerated Reading Words to know: No new words to know Mark Your Calendar: 3/15 – Field trip (Please turn in permission slips and money ASAP) Spelling words and sentences: No new spelling words or sentences. Upcoming Tests: Math CTA Reading CTA Math Fluency CTA