History 10: How to Think About History Unit 3: Height of Medieval Civilization
Events are the products of other events Causation Events are the products of other events Increased trade during the feudal period was the result of two factors: firstly, trade networks in northern Europe opened up as feudal warfare declined; and secondly, the cities of northern Italy benefitted from the Crusades, e.g. Christians wrested control of the Mediterranean’s trade routes from the Muslims which encouraged general economic growth in Europe.
Change is ongoing and ever present Increased trade led to the emergence of a middle class whose status was based upon wealth and not title The introduction of Aristotle to universities made people start to believe reason was at least as important as faith
Continuity connects different historical periods and developments Despite the revival of trade and the emergence of a new and influential middle class the Catholic Church remained the unquestioned authority in Europe
History is not a science but a perspective or story Perspectives & Biases History is not a science but a perspective or story Was the Catholic Church justified in calling for a Crusade? Europeans were exposed to Muslims through trade and came to understand they weren’t the monsters that the Church made them out to be.