classroom News! Mark your calendar A Note from Your Teacher: August 12th – 16th Ms. Kristi DeRoche + A peek at the week + Mark your calendar * Math: Adding fractions Subtracting fractions Multiplication review Science: water cycle severe weather Climate Social Studies: producers consumers economics review August 12th – 1st Day of School August 22nd- open house September 2nd- no school, labor day A Note from Your Teacher: n Text*text*text*Text*text*text* Upcoming tests & assignments r Math- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Science- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Social Studies- States Project due Friday August 24th August birthdays z Mrs. DeRoche- August 5th Wayne Smith- August 13th Kailey Barnes- August 25th
classroom News! Mark your calendar Notes from Mrs. McCuistion September 18-22 Mrs. McCuistion- email: A Peek at the week Mark your calendar * This week we Are: *rounding a 3 digit number to the nearest hundreds. *focusing on paired texts, two texts that have something in common, and being able to compare them. *continuing to review the part of speech, nouns, with emphasis on plural nouns, & common and proper nouns. *Mon., 9/18- PTO Meeting at 6:00 *Thurs., 9/21- Progress Reports come home *Fri., 9/29- Box Top Friday *Tues., 10/3- TAPP- Teacher&Parent Partnership Meeting from 6:00-7:00 PM for grades 3-5. Hope to see you there! *Mon.&Tues., 10/9&10- Fall Break *Thurs., 10/12-Apex Fun Run *Fri., 10/13- 1st 9 Weeks Renaissance Ceremony *Mon., 10/16- 1st 9 Weeks Renaissance Reward…to UTC Aquatic Center!!! *Thurs., 10/26- Report cards come home *Sat., 10/28- Fall Festival at GES Notes from Mrs. McCuistion If your child does NOT have a spelling list attached to her/his homework packet, that means she/he made an “A” on Friday’s test and does NOT have ANY spelling this week! Your child’s progress report will come home this Thursday. Please sign and return the report on Friday. I will include an updated AR report with the progress report. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress at mid-term, you may e-mail me, message me on Remind, or message me on Class Dojo. Have a wonderful week!! To determine if your child’s book is on AR and on her/his Lexile, go to AR Bookfinder’s ADVANCED SEARCH and click on Lexile Level. Then, type in the book title and author’s name. If the book is an AR match, the quiz number and Lexile Level will show up.
classroom News! Spelling words: Vocabulary words August 12th – 16th Ms. Kristi DeRoche + A peek at the week + Spelling words: n Reading: “Because of Winn Dixie” genre comprehension skill Language: Linking verbs Define it, find it in a sentence, use it in a sentences Spelling: Synonyms Upcoming tests & assignments r Reading- Unit 1 Test 1 Wednesday August 22nd Language- Chapter 1 Test- Thursday August 23rd Spelling – homework due Friday August 24th Vocabulary words z Development Chaos Illustrate hero
A few tips! If you do not like how the fonts appeared when you opened this file for the first time I suggest downloading/installing the fonts below, closing out the file and then reopening the file. IF the fonts were installed correctly, it should look like the preview file. Fonts used- Army Rust, KG Lego House, Pea da lovely, If you teach just Math, Science, & SS- page 1 is for you! If you teach just ELA- page 2 is for you! If you teach all subjects- Page 1 & 3 may be your best bet and copy them back to back! Before printing, go to save as change file format to PDF rename it hit save. This will allow it to print correctly! Another option is to upload this to your class website so all of the students will have access to this newsletter at home. It can also serve as a study guide for the week! Hope this helps!!
Smiley monster Pea Da Lovely