Tips for Social Media How to manage the chaos
Protect your account It is important to set secure passwords and not share them unless you have to. If no one knows your password, then no one can mess up your account.
2. Don’t respond to mean comments If someone writes a mean comment about you, then they just probably feel bad about themselves. When you respond to the comment, you are doing what they want. They want to provoke a reaction out of you, and they will do it again. If you just ignore it, they will go away because they can’t get reaction out of you.
3. If it upsets you, turn it off. Sometimes the best thing to do if someone is being mean to you through social media is to just turn it off. If you don’t see it, it can’t affect you.
4. Spread happiness The best posts are the ones that can make you laugh. If you find a funny meme, then share it with other, so they can have a good laugh and be happy. When social media is used in positive way, the world could be a happier place.
5. Don’t post when you are emotional Our brains don’t fully think things through when we are extremely hyped up on an emotion. When your brain is hyped up, it can make some poor decisions. You would want those poor reactive post to ruin future, so always think through want your about to post.
A link to help you out