Zora Cobb USDA Food and Nutrition Service


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Presentation transcript:

Zora Cobb USDA Food and Nutrition Service SNAP-Ed Plans Zora Cobb USDA Food and Nutrition Service

SNAP-Ed Plan Requirements Must include table of contents and executive summary Plans can be annual or multi-year up to 3 years Multi-year plans must demonstrate the flow of program activities in a logical and sequential manner with each year building upon the preceding year States must use the FNS plan templates to guide the plan development process

Template 1: Identifying and Understanding the SNAP-Ed Target Audience Needs assessment methodology Concisely describe and justify your methodology for assessing the needs of the State target audience. Ensure all information is less than 5 years old Needs assessment findings Areas of the State where SNAP target audience Is underserved or has not had access to SNAP-Ed previously How the findings from the needs assessment were applied to your plan

State Agency Goals and Objectives Template 2: SNAP-Ed State Goals, Objectives, Projects, Campaigns, Evaluation, and Collaboration State Agency Goals and Objectives Outcome indicators need to be included with objectives Project Descriptions Included the evidence base for each project Include key educational messages Evaluation Plans Coordination of Efforts

Template 3: SNAP-Ed Staffing Plan Position Title Attach statement of work listing SNAP-Ed related job duties for each position FTEs charged to SNAP-Ed Attach definition of FTE and basis for calculations   Percentage of SNAP- Ed Time Spent on Management/ Administrative Duties Percentage of SNAP-Ed Time Spent on SNAP-Ed delivery. Include all approaches described in Guidance Section 1 SNAP-Ed Salary, Benefits, and Wages Federal dollars only Nutrition Educators 5 10 90 $150,000 Total Staffing Budget: Enter total for all salary, benefits, and wages from Federal dollars here.

Template 4: SNAP-ED Budget Information by Project Expenses Carry-in from Previous FY Current FY Budget Non-Federal Support Salary/Benefits $0 $10,000,000 Contracts/Sub-Grants/Agreements $2,000,000 $5,000,000 Non-Capital Equipment/Supplies $1,000,000 Materials Travel $3,000,000 Building/Space Maintenance $) Equipment and Other Capital Expenditures Total Direct Costs $ 2,000,000 $24,000,000 Indirect Costs (Indirect Cost Rate= 10%) $200,000   Total Federal Funds $2,200,000 $26,000,000 Leave blank Estimated Funds Carry-over from Current FY to Next FY, if any

Template 4: SNAP-ED Budget Information by Project Contracts/Sub-Grants/Agreements: $100,000 Payroll Processing Service Our payroll processor will charge $100,000 in FY19 to process all payroll for the Mountain Plains Region. $150,000 Social Marketing Campaign Evaluation We plan to pay $150,000 to a contractor who will conduct a formative evaluation for our social marketing campaign.

Template 4: SNAP-ED Budget Information by Project Non-capital Equipment/Supplies: Curriculum binders $1,000 100 binders are needed to provide binders to new staff and replace binders which are too old to be useable. Each binder costs $10 to produce. $10/binder * 100 binders=$1,000 Postage $10,000 This is the cost of all of our postage throughout the year. This includes mailing costs for newsletters, class schedules and other informational documents. We have been tracking our costs and in the last three years we have averaged $10,000 a year in postage expenses.

Template 4: SNAP-ED Budget Information by Project Estimated funds carry-over from current FY to next FY, if any: MPR has $1,000,000 in carryover from last year. Due to difficulty hiring staff MPR spent less than anticipated on personnell costs. These funds will be used for personell this year as we anticipate hiring additional temporary staff.

MPRO Template: In-State Travel

MPRO Template: Out of State Travel

MPRO Template: Supplies

MPRO Template: Staffing

MPRO Template: Enhancements

MPRO Template: Computer Inventory

Template 5: SNAP-ED Plan Assurances Yes No The State SNAP agency is accountable for the content of the State SNAP-Ed Plan and provides oversight to any sub-grantees. The State SNAP agency is fiscally responsible for nutrition education activities funded with SNAP funds and is liable for repayment of unallowable costs. X   Efforts have been made to target SNAP-Ed to the SNAP-Ed target population. Only expanded or additional coverage of those activities funded under the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) are claimed under the SNAP-Ed grant. Approved activities are those designed to expand the State's current EFNEP coverage in order to serve additional SNAP-Ed individuals or to provide additional education services to EFNEP clients who are eligible for the SNAP. Activities funded under the EFNEP grant are not included in the budget for SNAP-Ed. Documentation of payments for approved SNAP- Ed activities is maintained by the State and will be available for USDA review and audit. Contracts are procured through competitive bid procedures governed by State procurement regulations. Program activities are conducted in compliance with all applicable Federal laws, rules, and regulations including Civil Rights and OMB circulars governing cost issues. Program activities do not supplant existing nutrition education programs, and where operating in conjunction with existing programs, enhance and supplement them. Program activities are reasonable and necessary to accomplish SNAP-Ed objectives and goals. All materials developed or printed with SNAP Education funds include the appropriate USDA nondiscrimination statement and credit to SNAP as a funding source. Messages of nutrition education and obesity prevention are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. x

Multi-Year Plans Template Description Year 1 Year 2 or Years 2 and 3 2: State Goals Complete and submit with initial plan Required 2: State Level Objectives Complete for each year. Submit with initial plan 3: Staffing Submit updated staffing plan and narrative each year 4: Budget Information Submit updated budgets annually 5: Assurances Complete and submit each year 6: Signatures Submit with initial plan and any amendments

SNAP-Ed Management Evaluations Zora Cobb USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Management Evaluations State agencies are required to monitor SNAP-Ed implementing agencies FNS recommends State agencies review Snap-Ed implementing agencies every 3 years at minimum Purpose of the ME

Planning a Review Determine which implementing agency to review Review documentation Identify a time period to review fiscal documentation Determine the review dates

Drafting the Review Agenda Program integrity discussion SNAP-Ed activity observations Fiscal integrity discussion On-site document review Subcontractor presentations Roundtable discussion for SNAP-Ed stakeholders

Program Integrity Evaluation Have the implementing agency present their program to you Implementing Agency questionnaires Communication and coordination Education materials, curriculum and reinforcements Program evaluation

Fiscal Integrity Evaluation Invoicing and reimbursement Reasonable and allowable costs All costs are approved in the SNAP-Ed plan

Post-Review Write the ME report Monitor corrective action responses

Questions Zora Cobb 303-844-4416 zora.cobb@fns.usda.gov